Att Edinburgh the fifteenth day of February Jaj vic nyntie four years
Warrand for outreiking a third boat against the Bass
The Lords their Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend to the Lords Commissioners of their Majesties Thesaury to Cause furnish prepare and outreik another boat besyds the tuo already appointed for security of vessells passing up and doun the firth against the rebells in the Bass untill the ship of uarr which is formerly ordored by the Councill be made ready and putt to sea sic subscribitur Tueeddall cancel: Southerland Leven Forfar Kintoir Tarbat Ross William Master of Forbes James Steuart John Lauder F Muntgomrie
1. NRS, PC1/49, 260.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 260.