At Edinburgh tuesday The 30th October 1694
Letter: to the Council
Letter from the King for Adjourning the parliament
The following letter being red was ordained to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth sic suprascribitur
William Rex. Right Trusty and right weill beloved Cousin and Councillor right trusty and intirely beloved Cousin and Councellor Right Trustie and right weill beloved Cousins and Councellors Right Trusty and right weill beloved Councellors Right Trust and weill beloved Councellors and trustie and weall beloved Councellors Wee Greet yow well Wheras by our letter of the fyfth of July last We did warrand and authorize you To adjourne our parliament of that our ancient Kingdome to the tuenty fyfth day of October next ensueing and our affairs not requyring the meeting thereof at that tyme We have thought fitt to 2 continue the adjourment therof till the therteenth day of December next therafter It is therefore our will and pleasure and Wee doe Hereby authorize and require you To Issue forth our Royall proclamatione in our name and Authority Adjourneing our said parliament to the said therteenth day of December next to come And ordering all the members thereof to attend that day in the usuall way and under the accustomed certifications For doeing whereof this shall be your warrand And so we bid you heartily farewell Given at our Court at the Hague the 13th day of October 1694 and of Reigne the 6 year
By his Majesties Command
sic subscribitur James Stevson
1. NRS, PC1/50, 30.
2. The word ‘adjourne’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 30.
2. The word ‘adjourne’ scored out here.