Eodem die [13 March 1694], Post Meridiem
Act Anent the vaccand Stipend of Leckropt
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be Sir Collin Campbell of Aberurcull one of the Senators of the Collodge of Justice William Row of Innerallan and John Moir of Craigarnall heritors of the parish of Leckropt and Mr John Logan present minister of the said parish Shewing That the said Church and stipend therof being vaccant for the year Jaj vjc nyntie, nyntie one, nyntie two, and Jaj vjc nyntie thrie, By deprivation of master William Weymes late incumbent therat Conforme to the saids Lords act of the date the twentie sixth day of Jully Jaj vjc Eightie nyne years therwith produced, and the said Church Church yeard dyke and maynes being totally ruinouse, and also the said parish being remote and at a Considerable distance from any schooll wherby throw the meanes and poverty of the Tenandrie within the Samen their Cheldrein are altogither destitute of any way of attaineing to learn even the principales of religion So that the vaccant stipend cannot be applyed to a more piouse use then to a mortificatione for a Schooll master within the said paroch for educatione of youth, In prosecutione quherof the deceast Henry Lord Cardross hade so farr Complyed as to grant Comission to James Campbell of Kermoch for uplifting the vaccand stipend then existing of the said parish to be applyed at his Lordships sight in the first place for payment to the said Mr William Weymes late incumbent of the soume of five hundred merks in law and satisfactione of what he hade payed to his predecessor and which lay as ane burdein on the succeeding ministers for old reparationes made upon the said manss, and some new additionall repairationes made by Mr Wemyes himself, And for repairing the said Church and manss in the Second place, and the remander his Lordship designed to mortifie to ane Schooll master within the said parish (his Lordship and his Successors parsons haveing the presentatione allwise) By vertue of which Comission the said James Campbell obtained decreet against the heritors Lyfrentars and others Lyable in payment of the Stipends of the said parish and therupon and be vertue of letters raised theron obtained payment from the said heritors before the said Lord Cardross his decease and morover albeit the said Mr John Logan was not legally admitted till sometime after Michellmiss last, Wherby in law he cannot expect any of that years stipend, yet seing he served the cure at the said Church as a probationer for the most part of the year Jaj vjc nyntie thrie as would appear by his act of admission and Recomendatione of the presbytrie of Dumblaine and Stirling therwith produced, Wherby he hath good reasone to expect the last half of the stipend Jaj vjc nyntie thrie for aliementing him till the legall terme of his haveing right to the said stipend , And quhich is scarcely refused to any in his Circumstances, But seing the Lord Cardross the patron is now dead, Wherby the said James Campbells factory and Commission expyres and hath become ineffectuall, And that the present Lord Cardross (tho both he and his mother approves of and will on no wayes oppose the designe) hath not as yet thought fitt to found his title in law by serveing air to his father, Wherby the forsaid good designes and most pious applicationes are not only highly prejudged but even the fabrick of the Church and manss like to fall to the pott And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords to authorize and allow the said James Campbell to uplift and Collect what is unuplifted by him of the said four years stipend and for that effect to put the letters allready raised in his name upon the forsaid decreet obtained at his instance by vertue of the deceast patrones Commission to all furder 2 executione and if need bees to raise be vertue of the saids Lords Warrand new letters upon the said Decreet and the samen being so Collected and uplifted to apply the samen being so Collected and uplifted to apply the samen (For quhich effect he is content to find Suficient Cautione) in maner above aftermentioned viz to pay to the abovenamed Mr William Weymes the forsaid soume of five hundred merks Conforme to the tenor of the former precept drawen by the said patron and to pay the last half of the said stipend Jaj vjc nyntie thrie to the said Mr John Logan the pursuer minister, and in the thrid place to repair the said Church Church yeard dykes and manse and the superplus (3after deductione of the Charges and expences in Collecting therof and some small gratificatione to the said James Campbell for his oun pains to be applyed to the forsaid mortificatione for ane schooll master, and for that effect to be Imployed as ane stock for him upon suficient security and the annualrent therof to be payed yearly to the Schooll master for the time being, with this quality allwayes that the present Lord Cardross and his successors patrones of the said Church have the presentatione of the said schooll master from time to time, all which the said James Campbell is Content to doe at the sight of any the saids Lords shall appoint and to find suficient Cautione acted in the saids Lords their books for that effect as the said petitione bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be Sir Collin Campbell of Aberuchill one of the senators of the Collodge of Justice, William Row of Innerallan and John Moir of Craigarnall heritors of the parish of Leikropt and Mr John Logan present minister of the said parish with the act of deprivation of Mr William Weymes and act of admission of the said Mr John wish the factory and Decreets obtained at the instance of James Campbell and horning raised theron all mentioned in and produced with the said petitione They heirby allow and authorize the said James Campbell to uplift and Collect what is unuplifted by him of the stipend of the said kirk for the years Jaj vjc nyntie and Jaj vjc nyntie one, Jaj vjc nyntie two and Jaj vjc nyntie thrie And Ordaines the said James Campbell to be readily answered obeyed and payed therof, Be the heritors fewars Lyfrentars wodsetters titulars tacksmen possessors and others Lyable in payment therof and for that effect to put the saids letters allready raised in his name upon the said decreet obtained at his instance to farder execution, And if need bees Ordaines new letters under the signet of Councill to be raised upon the said Decreet upon production of a decreet of Locallity, And in case ther be no Decreet of Locallity Ordaines these Lyable in payment to make payment of their respective proportiones according as the same shall be determined by the Judge ordinary and the said stipend being so Collected and uplifted ordaines the said James Campbell to apply the samen in maner aftermentioned viz to pay to the said Mr William Weymes the soume of five hundred merks and to pay to the said Mr John Logan the stipend of the said kirk for the last half of the Cropt Jaj vjc nyntie thrie years and in the thrid place to repair the Church yeard dykes and manse of the said parish and appoints the Supperplus to be applyed and Imployed as a stock to the schooll master of a schooll to be keeped in the said parish, And that upon suficient security and the annualrent therof to be payed yearly to the schooll master for the time being with this quality allwaise that the present Lord Cardross and his successors patrones of the said Church shall have the presentatione of the said schooll master from time to time In Respect the said James Campbell has given bond and and4 found suficient Cautione acted in the books of of5 privy Councill that he shall apply and Imploy the said stipend for the ends and uses forsaids.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 379r-381r.
2. The word ‘expence’ scored out here.
3. Closing bracket missing.
4. Sic.
5. Sic.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 379r-381r.
2. The word ‘expence’ scored out here.
3. Closing bracket missing.
4. Sic.
5. Sic.