Att Edinburgh The Tenth day of may Jaj vic nyntie four years
Warrand for particular Indemnities to these that were in the Bass
The Lords of their majesties privie Councell Having Heard a Letter direct from his Majestie to their Lordships wherby his Majestie approves of the articles of Capitulatione aggreed on uith these that held out the Bass and Hes declared his pleasure That Indemnities be expede and Liberty Granted to such as by the said articles have a claime to aither of them read In their presence They ordaine the said Letter to be recorded in their books And Gives order and warrand to their Clerks of Councell to extract and Give out particular Indemnities to such as by the saids articles have a Claime therto And that in the termes of the saids articles of Capitulatione and of their Majesties Letter For which this shall be to the saids Clerks a sufficient warrand
1. NRS, PC1/49, 377-8.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 377-8.