Att Edinburgh the Fifth day of July Jaj vic nyntie four years
Act Nicolas Dupine
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell By Nicolas Dupine Esquire Late Governour of the paper and Linnen manufactory in the kingdome of England and Ireland and Dennis Manes Esquire one of the Late managers of some of the paper mills in England Sheuing That the petitioner Nicolas Dupine Hath for these severall years by past been at Great paines Costs and charges to obtaine severall charters of Incorporatione and patents for establishing the whyte wryting and printing paper and Linnen manufactures in the Kingdome of England and Ireland (2as by the saids patent inrolled in the high Courts of Chancery of both Kingdoms may appear wherin great Companies Have Joyned and severall Considerable stocks of money been raised And many Thousands of poor recommendation actuallie Imployed (as by severall Great Generall sales of Linnen and paper sold at London may appear) And the petitioners Having for these severall years past studied and arryved to the airt of making all sorts of fyne paper moulds as good or better as any made beyond seas and at a farr cheaper rate In so much that one man can make and finish moe moulds In one week then any other workman in other nations Can finish in tuo months tyme And wheras Large timber is scarce in this Kingdome The petitioners have airts to make the Greatest mortar and vessell for making of paper uithout timber And the petitioners have provyded severall Ingenious outlandish workmen to work and teach their airt in this Kingdome altho as the petitioner is Informed some persons Have attempted to work good wryting paper to furnish this kingdome yet they Could not effect the same In Consideration of the premisses and that severall of the nobility Gentrie merchants and others of this kingdom then at London did Encourage and accordingly gave the petitioner Nicolas Dupine severall Letters of Recommendatione to severall noblemen merchants and others in Scotland The better to help and Enable him to Erect and Carry on the Lyke paper manufactory in this Kingdome And therfore Humblie Craving to the effect underwryten as the said petition bears The Saids Lords of their majesties privie Councell Having Considered the above petition They heirby Grant protectione and Libertie to the petitioners to sett up paper mills in this Kingdome uithout hindering any other persons who are already sett up and alloues the petitioners to putt the Coat of armes of this Kingdome upon the paper which shall be made by them at these mills
1. NRS, PC1/49, 400.
2. Closing bracket missing.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 400.
2. Closing bracket missing.