Att Edinburgh the Fourteenth day of March Jaj vic nyntie four years
ordor to pay 30ss sterling for each one of the recruits
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councill In pursuance of his Majesties ordors Contained in his Letter under his royall hand direct to them of the date the nynth of December Jaj vic nyntie three years ordaines the officers that are to receave the recruits of Fifteen hundreth men for Flanders To pay in Threttie shillings sterling for each man to the paymaster of the army He finding the same surety therfore that he hes found for the other money of the Army And ordaines the money which by the Letter Extends to Tuo Thousand Tuo Hundreth and five pounds sterling to remaine untoutched in the paymasters hands till farder ordor as the Letter appointes And Recommends to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Commander in cheiff of their Majesties forces within this kingdome To Call the officers who are come from Flanders and are to receave the saids recruits And to Cause them pay for the men they have receaved or shall receave Conforme to the forsaid ordor And to take care that noe officer be suffered to Carry his recruites abroad till the money be payed for them And to take such course for proportioning the forsaid soume among them as he shall see Cause But that he take Speciall care That the forsaid soume of threttie shillings sterling money per man be payed in to the paymaster Conforme to his Majesties ordor abovementioned This warrand by order of the Lord Chancelor was not subscribed2
1. NRS, PC1/49, 313.
2. The rest of p.313 is blank and has been scored out.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 313.
2. The rest of p.313 is blank and has been scored out.