Att Edinburgh the nynth day of February Jaj vic nyntie four yeers
Warrand to wryte to France Anent the Countess of Erroll
The Lords of their Majesties privy Councell upon a representatione made to them by the Earle of Kintoir that the goods chattells and others which pertained to and uere in Custody of the late Countess of Erroll uithin the kingdome of France at the tyme of her decease in that kingdome are put under arreast for defraying the expensses of her funeralls And that the freinds of the deceast Countess are desyrous the arreast be taken off and are uilling to satisfie the debts for which the same are Laid on If they uere not debarred by the late Act of parliament Discharging Correspondence uith France The Saids Lords doe Heirby allow Mr Robert Innes wryter to their Majesties signet to wryte missives or Letters and send bills or transmitt money to Mr […] Innes in Paris for satisfying the above debts that the arreast may be taken off the saids missives Bills or Letters being first seen and marked by their Majesties Advocat And the Letters if any come from Mr Innes being also shouen to his Lordship
0. NRS, PC1/49, 249.
0. NRS, PC1/49, 249.