Act, 4 April 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the fourth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four years



Act Sir John Murray of Drumcairne

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell By Sir John Murray of Drumcairne Sheuing That the petitioner Being formerly under Bale to appear before the saids Lords when called for Accordingly he was charged In May Last to appear before their Lordships2 And upon his appearance was Committed prisoner to the Castle of Edinburgh wher he hath remained ever since and during that tyme being very valitudinary He hath been obleidged to keep his chamber closs these four months as is nottour and can be made appear by the testimony of severall famous phisitians And as the petitioners health hath been much prejudged so he hath been at great Loss in his privat affairs And seing the petitioner hes aluayes Lived peacablie and quietly And is Content upon his being sett at Libertie or Confyned to the toune of Edinburgh and what Circuit and distance about it Their Lordships shall think fitt for repairing of his health and overseeing his privat affairs To find sufficient Cautione not only to Live peacably in tyme coming But also to appear before their Lordships when called for And therfore Humblie Craving their Lordships to take the petitioners to their Consideratione And to ordaine him to be sett at Libertie or Confyned to the toune of Edinburgh and what distance and Circuit about it their Lordships shall think fitt upon his finding Cautione in the termes forsaids as the said petitione Bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered the above petitione They heirby Recommend to the Earle of Leven Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh And In his absence Gives order and warrand to the nixt Commanding officer ther To sett the petitioner att Libertie furth of the said Castle and Confynes him to the house of Balvaird in the Countrey and tuo mylls about the same And discharges him to goe uithout the bounds of his said Confynment In respect the petitioner before extracting heirof Hath Given bond and found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councell That he shall appear before the saids Lords whensoever he shall be Called or requyred therto And in the mean tyme that he shall Keep his said Confynment and not goe uithout the bounds of the same And that he shall Live peacablie under and uith all submission to the present government of ther Majestie King William and Queen Mary And that he shall not Act Consult nor Contryve any thing in prejudice therof nor Converss or Correspond uith any rebells under the penaltie of five hundred pounds sterling In caise he shall transgress In any pairt of the premisses

Att Edinburgh the fourth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four years



Act Sir John Murray of Drumcairne

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privie Councell By Sir John Murray of Drumcairne Sheuing That the petitioner Being formerly under Bale to appear before the saids Lords when called for Accordingly he was charged In May Last to appear before their Lordships2 And upon his appearance was Committed prisoner to the Castle of Edinburgh wher he hath remained ever since and during that tyme being very valitudinary He hath been obleidged to keep his chamber closs these four months as is nottour and can be made appear by the testimony of severall famous phisitians And as the petitioners health hath been much prejudged so he hath been at great Loss in his privat affairs And seing the petitioner hes aluayes Lived peacablie and quietly And is Content upon his being sett at Libertie or Confyned to the toune of Edinburgh and what Circuit and distance about it Their Lordships shall think fitt for repairing of his health and overseeing his privat affairs To find sufficient Cautione not only to Live peacably in tyme coming But also to appear before their Lordships when called for And therfore Humblie Craving their Lordships to take the petitioners to their Consideratione And to ordaine him to be sett at Libertie or Confyned to the toune of Edinburgh and what distance and Circuit about it their Lordships shall think fitt upon his finding Cautione in the termes forsaids as the said petitione Bears The saids Lords of his Majesties privie Councell Having Considered the above petitione They heirby Recommend to the Earle of Leven Governour of the Castle of Edinburgh And In his absence Gives order and warrand to the nixt Commanding officer ther To sett the petitioner att Libertie furth of the said Castle and Confynes him to the house of Balvaird in the Countrey and tuo mylls about the same And discharges him to goe uithout the bounds of his said Confynment In respect the petitioner before extracting heirof Hath Given bond and found sufficient Cautione acted in the books of privy Councell That he shall appear before the saids Lords whensoever he shall be Called or requyred therto And in the mean tyme that he shall Keep his said Confynment and not goe uithout the bounds of the same And that he shall Live peacablie under and uith all submission to the present government of ther Majestie King William and Queen Mary And that he shall not Act Consult nor Contryve any thing in prejudice therof nor Converss or Correspond uith any rebells under the penaltie of five hundred pounds sterling In caise he shall transgress In any pairt of the premisses

1. NRS, PC1/49, 337-8.

2. The phrase ‘when called for’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 337-8.

2. The phrase ‘when called for’ scored out here.