Eodem Die [8 March 1694]. Post meridiem
Remitt to Sir Robert Sinclar anent the Marques of Douglas tennants
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be James Marques of Douglas etc for himself and in name and behalf of his tenants within the Lordship and barrony of Tantallan Shewing That by the frequent removeing of the Souldiers who were quartered in North Berrwick and Castltoune and the un certainty of their Setled quarters in the said place There has been many insollencies and abuses Committed by the Saids Souldiers upon the tennants of Castltoune and other places within the said Lordship as particularly one of the parties of Collonell Buchans regiment who were quartured at Castleton in January last being removed to Hadingtoune ther was one of the Souldiers who hade been some time quartered in John Bowies house in Litleboningtoun came up with two or thrie of his Complices And Finding George Aitchisone (who was intended to be put furth in the new Levies for the Lands of Tantallan) Threshing in the said John Bowie his Barne The Said Souldiers Compelled the Said George Aitchisone to put on his cloaths upon pretence to shew them the way to Haddingtoune and after they got him a litle from the toune forced him allong with them to Haddingtoune and as the petitioner is informed made one Bargaine for him with baillie Douglas in Haddingtoune who Sold him over againe for ane hundred merks or therby to the tennents of Aderstoune and Nunland But their bargains being without the Consent of ther Comanding officers, one Captain Baillie Commanding officer for the time altered all former bargains made be the said Souldiers and appointed the said George to be Disposed off, be Captain Livetennant Hay, Who Imediatly made it his bussines to find out a merchant for him and actually Sold him to the Dutches of Lauderdals tennents in Leithingtoune who still detaines him to the great hurt and prejudice of the petitioner and his said tennents as also upon Frayday the twentie thrid day of February last one Serjand Caldwalls came doune from Hadintoune to Castltoune with a partie of Souldiers and took George Brown servant to Richart Ritchardsone in Castltoune prisoner to Hadintoune whom the said Captaine Baillie sold the same day to the tennants of Atherstoune and Nunland and also ther has been a great many insolencies and other abusses Comitted upon the petitioners tenants within the said Lordship by pressing of their servants upon groundless pretences that they hade taken on with them wherby the petitioners Land is like to be Laid waist And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would ordaine the said Captain Baillie who sold the saids men to returne them back againe to the petitioners tennants and to Discharge not only him but all other officers and Souldiers in the Said Regiment from any furder pressing or carrieing away any of the petitioners tennents of ther servants upon any groundless pretence or alledgance of being taken on with them, and to appoint the sheriffs or Comissary of the shyre to see the said men allready taken or any other than shall heirafter be pressed be them Returned As the petitione bears The Lords of ther majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Marques of Douglas They heirby Remitt to Sir Robert Sinclar of Stivensone on of their oun number to Consider the petition and matters represented therin and to hear both parties and Decyde and determine in these matters as he shall find Just for redressing the Countreymen, And Recommends to Sir Robert to Report to Sir Thomas Liveingstoune Commander in Cheif of ther majesties forces within this kingdome if he shall find any thing proven against any officers or souldiers And Recommends to Sir Thomas to punish the officers of Souldiers as he shall find Just.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 358v-359v.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 358v-359v.