Warrant, 30 October 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Threttie day of October Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Warrand for Transporting John Gulespie

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Ordaine John Gullespie present prisoner in the Tolbooth of Ranfrew for alledged killing of Major James Meinzies To be transported to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh and for that effect ordaines the magistrats of Ranfrew to deliver the said John to the shireff principall of the shire of Ranfrew or his deputes betwixt and the twelth day of november nixt, The said John before he come furth of the said Tolbooth giving bond and finding Cautione to the magistrats of Ranfrew at the sight of Mr Francis Montgomry and Sir John Maxwell or aither of them that he shall be true prisoner to the said shireff principalls or their deputs and the guards that shall be Sett upon him be the severall shirreffs And that he shall enter himself prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh betwixt and the twelth day of november nixt to come under the penaltie of Twentie Thousand merks incaise he shall transgress in any part of the premisses And Ordaines the said shireff principall of Ranfrew or his depute to put the said John Gillespie under a suficient guaird and to Convey him to the nixt Shyre, and deliver him to the Shireff principall therof or his deputs And so appoints him to be Conveyed from sheriff to shireff untill he come to Edinburgh and ordaines the magistrats of Edinburgh and keeper of their Tolbooth to receive the said John Gillespie from the said Guaird, and to hold and detaine him prisoner in their Tolbooth And Ordaines the magistrats of Ranfrew to transmitt to the Clerks of privy Councill the bond that they shall receive from the said John Imediatly upon their recept therof.

Edinburgh the Threttie day of October Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Warrand for Transporting John Gulespie

The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Ordaine John Gullespie present prisoner in the Tolbooth of Ranfrew for alledged killing of Major James Meinzies To be transported to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh and for that effect ordaines the magistrats of Ranfrew to deliver the said John to the shireff principall of the shire of Ranfrew or his deputes betwixt and the twelth day of november nixt, The said John before he come furth of the said Tolbooth giving bond and finding Cautione to the magistrats of Ranfrew at the sight of Mr Francis Montgomry and Sir John Maxwell or aither of them that he shall be true prisoner to the said shireff principalls or their deputs and the guards that shall be Sett upon him be the severall shirreffs And that he shall enter himself prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh betwixt and the twelth day of november nixt to come under the penaltie of Twentie Thousand merks incaise he shall transgress in any part of the premisses And Ordaines the said shireff principall of Ranfrew or his depute to put the said John Gillespie under a suficient guaird and to Convey him to the nixt Shyre, and deliver him to the Shireff principall therof or his deputs And so appoints him to be Conveyed from sheriff to shireff untill he come to Edinburgh and ordaines the magistrats of Edinburgh and keeper of their Tolbooth to receive the said John Gillespie from the said Guaird, and to hold and detaine him prisoner in their Tolbooth And Ordaines the magistrats of Ranfrew to transmitt to the Clerks of privy Councill the bond that they shall receive from the said John Imediatly upon their recept therof.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 73r-73v.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 73r-73v.