Att Edinburgh the second day of May Jaj vic nyntie four years
Warrand To The shiref deput of Lanerk and Baillie deput of the regality of Glasgow to Continow in their offices
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Considering that through the decease of his Grace The Duke of Hamilton The offices of shirref principall of the shire of Lanerk and Baillie principall of the regality of Glasgow are both vacant and that the Commissiones granted by the deceast Duke In favours of John Somervaill of Spittle to be shirref deput of the shire of Lanerk and of […] Hamilton of Barncleuch To be baillie deput of the said regality of Glasgow are both become extinct by the decease of the said Duke granter therof And that it may tend to the prejudice both of their Majesties service and the Leidges Intrest if some persons be not authorized to Act in the saids offices Therfore The Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Doe heirby authorize and Grant full pouer and Commission to the saids John Somervaill of Spittell and […] Hamilton of Barncleuch to Continow and Act as shirreff deput and baillie deput forsaid of the said shire and Regality sicklyke and alse freely In all respects as they might have done by vertue of the saids Commissiones while the said William Duke of Hamilton was on Life and ay and while The saids principall offices be supplied and Commissions granted by his majestie to such persons as he shall think fitt to appoint for supplying therof
1. NRS, PC1/49, 372.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 372.