At Edinburgh thursday\[615\] 29th November 16941
Protectione Garden of Ballamoir
Anent the petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill by William Garden of Ballamoir Shewing that where he was conveened before the said Lords upon a most false and groundless complaint raised before the said Lords at the instance of one William Ewane in Countlich and James and William Ewanes his nephews for the said petitioners alleadged being accessorie to the escape of Meassone who is alleadged to have murdered the said William Ewane his brother in the forest of Glentaner and albeit and albeit3 it be sufficiently weill knowen to the said petitioner himself that he was not only most innocent of the said ryot laid to his Charge but on the contrair was both at considerable pains and expences to find out the actors thereof yet by the Instigatione of Robert Stueart of Inverhat messinger who does all that he can to ruine the said petitioners familey The said William Ewane hes raised this groundless complaint before the said Lords on purpose to oblidge Him his wyfe and familey to leave their houses and appear before the said Lords To answere to the grounds of the said Complaint and thereby not only to bring them to much unnecessary trouble and expences But to the effect the said Robert Steuart might further satisfie his malitious humour against the said petitioner who at present is under Captione at the instance of severall of his Creditors To secure his persone and incarcerat Him upon the said dilligence, or otherwayes get him declared fugitive and therfore humbly Craveing the said Lords might take the petitioners present Circumstances into their serious Consideratione and to grant him their protectione for all civill debts untill the first day of Januarie next to Come That the petitioner might be under noe restraint or Hazard to appear before the said Lords and vindicat his innocencie seeing the lybell raised Against him and his reconventione raised against the same are lyeing in the Clerks hands readie to be called according to the said Lords daylie practise in the lyke caises as the said petitione at lenth bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councille Haveing considered the 4 said5 petitione given in to them by the said John Garden They Hereby Grant personall protectione 6 To the said petitioner untill the tuelth day of December next. And discharges all macers or messingers at armes and all other ministers of the Law To put any letters of Captione acts of warding or other dilligence against the persone of the said John Garden to executione untill the said day Excepting alwayes for their Majesties rents and
publick dues sic subscribitur Tweeddale Ipd Southerland Morton Cassillis James Stueart Adam Cockburne F Montgomrie Robert Sinclair J Burnet
1. NRS, PC1/50, 52.
2. NRS, PC1/50, 53-4.
3. Sic.
4. The word ‘within’ scored out here.
5. Insertion.
6. Three illegible words scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 52.
2. NRS, PC1/50, 53-4.
3. Sic.
4. The word ‘within’ scored out here.
5. Insertion.
6. Three illegible words scored out here.