Edinburgh The Tenth day of may Jaj vjc nyntie four years
Order anent the ship called The Fortune and Recomendation to the Lord Advocat
The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill upon and information exhibit to them By […] Captain of a Dutchman of Warr Called the Certain That the ship or hoeker Called the Fortune Lyand in the Harbour of Bruntisland is lately come from Dunkirk, They Declair and ordaine the said ship or hoeker to be free and at libertie In Respect James Marjorybanks merchant in Edinburgh has become bound and enacted in the books of privy Councill To answer for the said vessell and make her furth furthcomeing according to order and sentance of Law Under the penaltie of Two hundred punds sterling For which soume in the termes forsaid he is to give his bond in the ordainry forme And Recommends to Sir James Stewart their majesties advocat to call for and examine Cornelius Borre skipper of the said ship or Hocker and the said James Marjoribanks upon such pertinent Interrogatives as his Lordship shall think fitt.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 400r-400v.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 400r-400v.