Att Edinburgh the Threttie day of March Jaj vic nyntie four years
Warrand for Captain Burds giving orders to Captain Bosuell
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Considering That ther are tuo severall Shipps or frigotts outreiked or ordered to be outreiked against the rebells in the Bass and such as may offer to assist or supply them wherof the one is Commanded by Captain Eduard Burd and the other by Captain John Bosuell And that for avoyding Confusion and disorder It is necessary that one of these Captains be obleidged to receave orders from the other Therfore The saids Lords doe heirby authorize and Impoure the said Captaine Eduard Burd to Give such orders and Comands to the said Captain John Bosuell for the Conducting sailing managing and disposall of the ship Commanded by the said Captaine Bosuell uith its Crue Company souldiers and others therin as the said Captain Burd shall from tyme to tyme find necessary and requisite And ordaines Captain Bosuell to receave and give obedience to the saids orders and Commands accordingly
1. NRS, PC1/49, 321.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 321.