Act, 15 February 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fiftein day of February Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act The Countes of Rothes and Laird of Grant

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be Margrat Countes of Rothes and Lodovick Grant of that ilk Shewing That quher the Levy of men ordered by the Seventh act of the last sessione of the Current parliament is appointed to be made according to the numbers formerly observed in the Militia and the petitioners intrest in the shyre of Murray by ane act of Councill dated the twentie Jully Jaj vjc seventie one years They Ordained to be modelled and setled equally among the rest of the lands in that shyre and Division without any distinctione betwixt the high and Low Countries, as the said act past after full hearing of parties in it self more fully proports notwithstanding quherof the Commissioners of Supplie and Militia takeing occasione of the petitioners absence and favoring their oun intrests in prejudice of the petitioners Did at their meeting the sixteinth of January last most unequally and unjustly allow one ane Hundred punds scots valued rent to the petitioners for each man of their proportione Wheras they assumed two hundred merks valued rent for each man of their oun quota and did stent the Levies accordingly without any respect to the act of parliament Or act of Councill, according to which the act of parliament ought to have been put to execution And now seing the petitioners intrest will be stressed by sumar executione according to the forsaid unequall and unjust stent Contrare to the acts of parliament and Councill in their favors unles the saids Lords would provyd remeed theranent And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would Consider the premises Which are instantly instructed by the forsaid act of Councill and the protestationes taken against the saids Commisioners therwith produced and to ordaine the saids Commissioners (who allready have been ordained be the saids Lords to see and answer but have given in no answer) To rectifie the said stent by ane equall rule over the wholl shire and Divisione according to the forsaid act of Councill theranent and in the mean time to sist all executione against the petitioners for any greater proportion of men then the rest of the said shyre and divisione are Lyable in effeiring to their valued rent as the said petitione bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above Countes of Rothes and Laird of Grant They heirby appoynt the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Murray againe to meet proceed and rectifie what may be amiss in proportioneing the above Levies upon the petitioners conforme to the acts of parliament and acts proclamationes and orders of Councill made theranent.

Edinburgh the Fiftein day of February Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act The Countes of Rothes and Laird of Grant

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be Margrat Countes of Rothes and Lodovick Grant of that ilk Shewing That quher the Levy of men ordered by the Seventh act of the last sessione of the Current parliament is appointed to be made according to the numbers formerly observed in the Militia and the petitioners intrest in the shyre of Murray by ane act of Councill dated the twentie Jully Jaj vjc seventie one years They Ordained to be modelled and setled equally among the rest of the lands in that shyre and Division without any distinctione betwixt the high and Low Countries, as the said act past after full hearing of parties in it self more fully proports notwithstanding quherof the Commissioners of Supplie and Militia takeing occasione of the petitioners absence and favoring their oun intrests in prejudice of the petitioners Did at their meeting the sixteinth of January last most unequally and unjustly allow one ane Hundred punds scots valued rent to the petitioners for each man of their proportione Wheras they assumed two hundred merks valued rent for each man of their oun quota and did stent the Levies accordingly without any respect to the act of parliament Or act of Councill, according to which the act of parliament ought to have been put to execution And now seing the petitioners intrest will be stressed by sumar executione according to the forsaid unequall and unjust stent Contrare to the acts of parliament and Councill in their favors unles the saids Lords would provyd remeed theranent And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would Consider the premises Which are instantly instructed by the forsaid act of Councill and the protestationes taken against the saids Commisioners therwith produced and to ordaine the saids Commissioners (who allready have been ordained be the saids Lords to see and answer but have given in no answer) To rectifie the said stent by ane equall rule over the wholl shire and Divisione according to the forsaid act of Councill theranent and in the mean time to sist all executione against the petitioners for any greater proportion of men then the rest of the said shyre and divisione are Lyable in effeiring to their valued rent as the said petitione bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above Countes of Rothes and Laird of Grant They heirby appoynt the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Murray againe to meet proceed and rectifie what may be amiss in proportioneing the above Levies upon the petitioners conforme to the acts of parliament and acts proclamationes and orders of Councill made theranent.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 334v-335r.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 334v-335r.