Edinburgh the nynth February Jaj vjc nyntie four years
Act The Laird of Grant anent the new Levies
Anent a Petitione given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be Lodovick Gant of that ilk one of the saids Lords number Shewing That quher in the petitioners absence The Commissioners of the shire of Murray have most inequally and unjustly Laid on the new Levies exempting their oun lands from the fourth part of the burdein to Which they have subjected the persewers intrest as appears by ane authentick protestatione and instrument taken therupon under the hand of the Clerk of the shyre and which is founded upon the act of parliament and ane express act of Councill in the petitioners favors in ane paraleell caise in anno Jaj vjc seventy one years therwith produced notwithstanding quherof the saids Commissioners intend to cause raise the men Out of the petitioners intrest according to their Unequall and Illegall stent abovementioned and incaice of faillie to order executione theranent And Therfore Humbly Craveing the Saids Lords to Discharge all farder executione in the said matter till the saids Lords Determine therupon as the petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petitione given in to them be the above Laird of Grant They heirby Remitt to the Commissioners of Supply within the shyre of Murray wher the saids Lands Lyes to meet proceid and make out that shires proportione of the new Levies appointed by the late act of Parliament and determine in the points Complained upon as they shall find Just and be answerable upon their highest perrill
1. NRS, PC2/24, 332v-333r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 332v-333r.