At Edinburgh fryday 16th November 1694
Proclamatione anent pole-money and bringing in the accompts payable furth thereof
The following proclamatione read, approven and signed and appoynted to be recorded whereof the tenor followeth Proclamation for bringing in and paying the arrears due by the Forces to the Countrey William and Mary by the grace of God King and Queen of great Brittane France and Ireland defenders of the Faith To […] Macers of our privy Councill messengers at armes our shirriffs in that part conjunctly and severallie speciallie constitut Greeting Forasmuchas by the nynth act of the fourth sessione of this our Currant parliament for pole money. The same is most strictly appoynted and destined for payment of the arrears due to the Countrey and army preceeding the first day of Februarie Jaj vjc nynty and one years in the first place inhibiting and dischargeing the applying thereof to any other use whatsoever and certifieing such as shall either give orders for misapplying therof or intromett with the same, The misapplyers and receivers thereof shall be lyable conjunctly and severallie in the double thereof at the instance of any party concerned and their private estates subject and lyable for the double of that which shall be so missapplyed And furder it is by the said Act declared That where the arrears due to the Countrey by the forces shall be first duely stated for any burg or shyre conforme to the orders set doune theranent The burgh or shyre to whom the said arriers shall be found due shall have retentione and get a discharge of their pole money in satisfactione of their said arrears and where the arrears due to any shyre or burgh exceeds the pole money due by the said burgh and shyre then and in that Case the said superplus shall be ordered to be payed by the Lords of the Thesaurie out of the pole money due and brought in from other places, with reguard alwayes to the totall of those arrears, and to the totall of the said pole money That the foresaid superplus may be payable and payed proportionally, as the foresaid act of parliament impowering the Lords of our privy Councill To determine all difficulties thereby undetermined that may arrise anent the premisses more fully bears Lykeas the said Lords of our privy Councill Haveing thought fitt for the better ingathering of the foresaid polemoney and for the more sure answering of the ends and uses to which it is appropriat, as said is That the said pole money should be sett in tack upon a roupe for payment of the highest tack duety that should be offered: We in prosecutione of the said act of parliament, and acts of our councill for setting the foresaid tack did by our proclamatione of the date the last day of July last bypast requyre and Command all burghs and shyres to whome any arrears were due as said is and who might pretend to the benefitt of the foresaid retentione To cause state and bring in their accompts thereof to the Clerks of our privy Councill to the effect that they might be there revised and approven and payment ordered accordingly as the said proclamatione bearing ane express distinctione of the arrears due by the English forces from these due by the Scots forces at more lenth proports and we being firmely resolved That notwithstanding That few or none of the said shyres and burghs have obtained their accompts duely stated in the tearmes of the said act of parliament before the said tearme of Martimass last, which is the terme appoynted for payment of the said pole money To the effect they might have had the benefitt of the retentione above provyded yet nevertheless the destinatione contained in the foresaid act for the payment of the said arriers in the first place shall be strictly and punctuallie keept without any violatione or takeing the least advantage of the foresaid shyres and burghs their neglect and omissiones Have therefore and to make the foresaid definatione more effectuall and the payment of the said shyres and burghs more sure and punctuall2 We with the advyce of the Lords of our privy Councill ordered lykeas We with advyce foresaid Doe Hereby Ordor and appoynt the foresaid shyrs and Burghs as also all others to whom any arrears are due by our Forces and of the pole money To send in to the Clerks of our privy Councille the accompts of their said arrears duely stated conforme to former orders to be revised and approven by the Lords of our privy Councill and that peremptorly betwixt and the fyfteen day of January next to come Certifying all such as shall failzie Herein that their accompts shall not be hereafter received and in respect of their said neglect and contumacie and that their falling short or being delayed of the payment hereby for them intended shall only be imputeable to their owne fault and it is further hereby declared That whenever the foresaid accompts hereby ordered to be brought in shall be revised and approven by the Lords of our privy Councille to whom we earnestly recomend to dispatch the same with all dilligence possible Then the Lords of our Theasaurie are with all due conveniencie to give precepts to the said shyres and Burghs and others concerned upon our Generall receiver for payment to them of the respective sums that shall be found due by the said Lords of our privy Councill in maner foresaid To the effect That our said generall Receiver to whom the tack of the said pole money is by the Tack sett to the fermers thereof, appoynted to be payed at the tearmes of Candlemass and Whitsunday next therein specified may make punctuall payment of the said precepts after the foresaid terms and as He shall be ordered by the said Lords of our Thesaurie and Lastly it is Hereby declared That these presents so exactlie calculate for the furthering of the Countreys payment of the said arrears conforme to the said act of parliament shall be without prejudice to the Fermers of the pole money of their uplifting of the same as also of the payment to be made by them of their Tack duety therefore conforme to the tenor of their Tack in all poynts Our will is Herefore and we Charge you strictly and Commands That incontinent these our Letters seen ye pass to the Marcat Cross of Edinburgh and to the marcat Crosses of the Head burghs of the severall shyrs of this Kingdome and ther in our name and authorittie make publicatione hereof That none pretend ignorance. And ordaines these presents to be printed Given under our signet at Edinburgh the sexteenth day of November and of our Reigne the sexth year Jaj vjc nyntie and four years. sic subscribitur Tweedale Cancell J Morton Cassilis Forfar Breadalbane Tarbatt Yester James Stueart Archibald Murray.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 47-50.
2. One illegible word scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 47-50.
2. One illegible word scored out here.