Edinburgh the Twentie day of December Jaj vjc nyntie four years
Act Robert Wilsone merchant in Ranfrew
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Robert Wilson merchant in Ranfrew Shewing That quher the petitioner and Hew Crafurd sone to Thomas Crafurd of Crafurdsburn having bought twentie nyne tuns of wyne equally betwixt the petitioners with a ship Called the Argyle of Glasgow for payment of a part quherof he drew bills upon his Corrospondents who were dead before they came to this kingdome and so were protested ther being no persone to answer them afterwards having safely arrived at Montross wher the petitioner was offered fiftie four punds sterling for each Tun of the wyne, But it being scarce in the kingdome the petitioner expected a greater pryce and upon that Consideration he sent ane express to the said Crawfurdsburne acquanting him with the petitioners arrivall and what was offered for the wyne, But he Contrare to his expectation being the petitioners near relatione to Circumveen and Cheat the petitioner desyred me not to sell it at such a rate but to move to Cockkenie or Prestonpans quher he would befreend me and gett a greater pryce for the petitioners wyne, And that with some Collour of Justice he might Cheat the petitioner he answered the petitioners bills and came to Cockkeny quher he taking advantage of the petitioners Circumstances haveing no freinds in the place and wanting money entered the petitioners goods and payed the Customes and without any Law on his side seased on the keyes of the kings workhouse and keeped the wynes so that the petitioner Lost his marcat for severall merchants in Edinburgh at the time offered fiftie punds sterling for each Tune of the said wyne, afterwards Crafurdsburne thinking he might incurr prejudice by this unlawfull procedure desyred the petitioner to make a right to Peetter Blair his agent which the petitioner did accordingly the petitioners Circumstances forceing the petitioner and he promissing all should be to the petitioners advantage Peetter Blair giveing the petitioner ane backbond to be comptable upon which ryt the said Crafurdsburne and Peetter Blair rouped the petitioners wyne at thretie one punds sterling per tun so that the petitioner lost 14 lbs money forsaid of each Tun and to Compleat his villany he sent away the ship as his oun without recuping it at all nor Compting to the petitioner upon the termes of his backbond Wherupon the petitioner protested for Coast skaith and damnadge And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased to take the petitioners case into ther Consideratione who is rendared misserable by the said Crafurdsburnes violent and Illegall Intromission with the petitioners wyne and ship as said is and to ordaine him to make Just Compt and reckoning according to the backbond and to punish him for his Cheatry to the terror of others to Comitt the like As the petition bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them be the above Robert Wilsone and answers therto be Thomas Crafurd of Carsburne and both parties being Called and haveing Compeired They Comanded the petitioner to be Caried to the Tolbooth of Edinburgh ther to remaine prisoner till furder order of Councill In Respect of his indiscreet and Impertinent expressiones in the bill and Leaves him to pursue Carseburne according to the ordinary Course of Law.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 116r-117r.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 116r-117r.