Edinburgh the Sixtein day of January Jaj vjc nyntie four
Act Anent the poor in the west kirk parish
The Lords of their majesties privy Councill upon a petition given in to them be the minister and session of the West Kirk Representing that they could come to no setlment of any Certaine fund for supply of the poor in that parish by reasone of some Considerable Scrouples arrysing amongst the heritors and particularly betuixt the towne of Edinburgh who are no Small propriators in the parish and the rest of the heritors therin, Haveing Remitted to a Comittie of their oun number to Consider the petition (which they allowed the toune of Edinburgh and thesaurer of heriots hospitall and other heritors to see and causes with the answers given in to the same and to endeavor to settle the parties and in case of deficultie to report Which Committie haveing accordingly Mett and Considered the petition it self with the answeres and Replyes both for the toune of Edinburgh heriots hospitall and the other heritors of the West Kirk they made their report to the Lords of Councill att the advyseing therof the Councill haveing Called for the process both for the toune of Edinburgh and the rest of the heritors of the said parish and Sir Patrick Home Sir James Ogilvie and Mr John Menzies advocats Compeiring for the toune of Edinburgh and some of the heritors Compeiring personally and Mr Hew Dalrymple advocat Compeiring for the haill heritors The Saids Lords haveing Considered the report and haveing heard both parties Advocats fully in their oun presence They Find that the haill heritors and inhabitants of the westkirk are to bear a proportionall part of the Imposition for mantaineing the poor so farr as the Church Collectiones and mortificationes falls short, And that the toune of Edinburgh should bear burthein as heritors of the milnes, and as to Heriots hospitall Finds that the rents of that Lands belonging to that Hospitall Ought to be free of this Impositione for the poor in the parish that wholl rent being Imployed for mantaineing of poor Bot they Find that the inhabitants liveing upon the Hospitalls lands should bear burthen with the other inhabitants in the parish, And appoints the heritors to meet one Frayday nixt and some persones for the toune of Edinburgh to meet with them and to proportione the burthein for the poor besides the Church Collectiones and mortificationes conforme to the method above prescribed And the saids Lords Doe heirby expressly Declair That this interloquitor shall be no rule against the toune of Edinburgh in other cases of publict 2 burthen or Impositiones and that if in the Impositione to be laid on for mantaineing the poor in this parish the rule of Laying one therof be by the reall rent in that case that the mylnes belonging to the toune of Edinburgh shall bear their proportione effeiring to ther reall rent and if the rule be by ther valued rent In that case the mylnes shall only be valued according as other lands in the parish of the like reall rent are valued and no higher and that they shall bear burthen proportionally.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 317v-318r.
2. The word ‘trust’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 317v-318r.
2. The word ‘trust’ scored out here.