Act, 13 March 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the threteinth day of March Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Cochran and Eglisham

In the Petition given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be James Cochran sometime in Mayboill and John Eiglisham sometime in Craigeoch Shewin that quher some years agoe Immediately after the Reduction of Ireland the petitioners went over to that kingdom with their famillies and stocks thinking to have setled ther to better advantadge, Lykeas by the said transport they did indeed better ther stocks both by the increase of ther number and Improveing of their kynd But now are inclined to turne to the petitioners 2 our Native Countrey and their former possessiones are at present void wanting for them, and are only hindered by the prohibition of the Import of Irish Catle And Seing that ther Catle properly are not Irish Catle nor are they bringin them to this Countrey for Sale But singlely on the account forsaid, Which instead of being prejudiciall to is certainly the benefite of the Countrey specially when the quantity is so small not exceiding six or seven score-head betwixt them both And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to allow the petitioners to bring back their said stocks and for that effect to grant them a permission by the saids Lords their deliverance as the said petition at more leanth bears, The saids Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition with a Certificat produced therwith Bearing that the petitioners did goe to Ireland and Cary over ther stocks of nolt and sheep with them to the number of Sixtie Cowes and oxen young and old each of them, And that the above John Eiglsham is yet liveing in Ireland and the above James Cochran is now in Scotland, Bot that his stock of nolt remaines still in Ireland, And being informed that Alexander Eiglsham in Thomastoune and John McCaula writter in Mayboill subscrivers of the said testificat are ready to make faith and depone upon the same as to the verity therof, and the saids Lords appointed a Comittie of their oun number to take the oathes of the saids two persones upon the verity of the Contents of the forsaid testificat Conforme wherunto the saids Alexander Eiglsham and John McCauly haveing Compeired in presence of the said Committie and haveing taken inspectione of the said testificat and heard the same read in presence of the said Lords and themselves They both being solemnly sworne and examined upon their great oathes Deponed and Declared that the hail contents of the said testificats are treuth and of verity and that the soume is duely subscribed by them as the oathes and depositiones of the saids two persones extant in proces bears And the saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing this day Considered the forsaids depositiones They heirby Allow the petitioners to bring back their stocks of Catle from Ireland to this kingdome to the number of sixtie Cowes and oxen young and old for each of the two petitioners, And that notwithstanding of the proclamation of Councill of this dayes date prohibiting the Import of Catle from Ireland in to this kingdome.

Edinburgh the threteinth day of March Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Cochran and Eglisham

In the Petition given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be James Cochran sometime in Mayboill and John Eiglisham sometime in Craigeoch Shewin that quher some years agoe Immediately after the Reduction of Ireland the petitioners went over to that kingdom with their famillies and stocks thinking to have setled ther to better advantadge, Lykeas by the said transport they did indeed better ther stocks both by the increase of ther number and Improveing of their kynd But now are inclined to turne to the petitioners 2 our Native Countrey and their former possessiones are at present void wanting for them, and are only hindered by the prohibition of the Import of Irish Catle And Seing that ther Catle properly are not Irish Catle nor are they bringin them to this Countrey for Sale But singlely on the account forsaid, Which instead of being prejudiciall to is certainly the benefite of the Countrey specially when the quantity is so small not exceiding six or seven score-head betwixt them both And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to allow the petitioners to bring back their said stocks and for that effect to grant them a permission by the saids Lords their deliverance as the said petition at more leanth bears, The saids Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition with a Certificat produced therwith Bearing that the petitioners did goe to Ireland and Cary over ther stocks of nolt and sheep with them to the number of Sixtie Cowes and oxen young and old each of them, And that the above John Eiglsham is yet liveing in Ireland and the above James Cochran is now in Scotland, Bot that his stock of nolt remaines still in Ireland, And being informed that Alexander Eiglsham in Thomastoune and John McCaula writter in Mayboill subscrivers of the said testificat are ready to make faith and depone upon the same as to the verity therof, and the saids Lords appointed a Comittie of their oun number to take the oathes of the saids two persones upon the verity of the Contents of the forsaid testificat Conforme wherunto the saids Alexander Eiglsham and John McCauly haveing Compeired in presence of the said Committie and haveing taken inspectione of the said testificat and heard the same read in presence of the said Lords and themselves They both being solemnly sworne and examined upon their great oathes Deponed and Declared that the hail contents of the said testificats are treuth and of verity and that the soume is duely subscribed by them as the oathes and depositiones of the saids two persones extant in proces bears And the saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing this day Considered the forsaids depositiones They heirby Allow the petitioners to bring back their stocks of Catle from Ireland to this kingdome to the number of sixtie Cowes and oxen young and old for each of the two petitioners, And that notwithstanding of the proclamation of Councill of this dayes date prohibiting the Import of Catle from Ireland in to this kingdome.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 369v-370r.

2. The word ‘respective’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 369v-370r.

2. The word ‘respective’ scored out here.