Edinburgh the sixteinth day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie four
Recomendatione anent John Ferrier
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of ther majesties privy Councill be John Ferier in West Feild and John and William Ferier his two sones Shewing That quher the said petitioners were yesterday morning by break of day being the fiftein of Aprill instant seazed in ther beds at Westfeild by a parte of my Lord Jedburghs Dragoons by warrand from Major Burnet Major to the said Regiment for recruits to Ensigne William Sandilands in Coll Lauders regiment upon the pretence of being deserters of ther majesties service most wrongeously Considering that the said John Ferier elder and his sone John Ferier younger hath been in the Continued possession for severall years bygone of ane Roome presently laboured by them for which they pay a Considerable rent of Eight or nyne hundreth merks yearly to the Laird of Cleghorn ther master, And the said William Ferier is present servitor to Mr John Frank advocat and has been with him ever since he came from Schoolls And being Informed that the saids persones are shiped at Borowstounes of keeped in prison in order to be transported to Flanders And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords to grant warrand to liberat the fornamed persones, or to Cause bring them in to be examined if they was ever in their majesties service that upon due tryall therof they may be Discharged as the petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above John Ferier and his two sones They heirby Recomend to Sir Thomas Livingstoune Comander in Cheif of their majesties forces within this kingdome to examine and take tryall of the above Complaint and to doe Justice therin and in the mean time to give order and take Course that the petitioners be keeped within any suficient prison and not be determined And that if they be shiped they may be brought a Shoar and Committed to prison dureing the space and to the effect forsaid and that Sir Thomas Call for the above Major Burnett and Ensigne Sandilands and examine them in the said matter.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 391v-392r.
1. NRS, PC2/24, 391v-392r.