Att Edinburgh The Tuentie sixth day of January Jaj vic nyntie four yeers
Act discharging persones to goe to England or Ireland uithout passes
The Act of Councell underwryten discharging persones to travell to England uithout passes was this day redd approven and signed wherof the tenor folloues
The Lords of their Majesties privy Councell understanding That now when Levyes are appoynted to be made for their Majesties service in the present warr so necessar for the defence of the true protestant religione and the preservatione of their Majesties kingdomes These most propper for the saids Levys (to declyne the same) retire out of the kingdome to England or Ireland Doe therfore Requyre and strictly Command all collectors of their Majesties Customes surveyers Clarks waiters at the severall ports and all others their Majesties officers Civill or military who may be Concerned That they suffer noe vessell Great or small to saile for for2 Ireland at any tyme after proclamatione heirof att the saids ports on the uest seas untill the first day of may nixt to Come uithout a sufficient pass from one of their Majesties privy Councell or the shirreff or shirreff deputes or tuo of the Commissioners of supply or Justices of peace of the shyre uithin which the saids ports doe ly which persones Impoured to Give the saids passes are heirby also Impoured and requyred to take Cautione of the master and skippers of the saids ships that they shall carry noe persone out of this kingdome for Ireland during the space forsaid uithout Laufull passes under the penaltie of ane hundreth merks toties quoties for each persone soe carryed out by him as also the haill forenamed uith all Collectors surveyers Clarks and uaiters upon the borders betuixt Scotland and England are heirby Commanded That they suffer noe persone to Goe for England and Ireland uithout passes from one of their Majesties privy Councell or from the shirreffs or shirreff deputs or tuo of the Commissioners of supply or Justices of peace of the shyre wher the saids persones did last reside and that as the haill forsaids persones uill be ansuerable at their perrill And farder the saids Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Doe Heirby prohibite all such persones who are fitt and in use to be putt furth in the foot Levyes to remove out of the shyre wher they duell after the date heirof untill the present Levy ordored be proclamatione be Compleated uithout passes from the Heretor of the ground wher they Live or his Chamberlane in his absence Certifying these that presume to doe in the Contrair That they shall be summarly seised wher they may be apprehended And It is Heirby declared that the seizers and apprehenders of the saids Fliers shall have right and Liberty to Give them up to serve for such as they are obleidged to putt furth in the said Levy And ordaines these presents to be printed and published at the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and at the seaports of the uest seas and haill other head burghs of this kingdome sic subscribitur Tueeddal cancel: Southerland Linlithgow Leven Annandall Forfar Raith Ross Beilhaven Polluarth William Master of Forbes W Anstruther
1. NRS, PC1/49, 237-8.
2. Sic.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 237-8.
2. Sic.