Letter: royal, 19 July 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the nynteinth day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four


Letter: royal

Letters of Publicatione In Favors of Thomas Weir Chirurgeon in Edinburgh

William and Mary be the Grace of God King and Queen of Great Brittaine France and Ireland defenders of the faith to our Lovits Maccers of our privy Councill or messengers at armes our shireffs in that part Conjunctllie and severallie speciallie Constitute and to all and sundrie Our leidges and subjects whom it effeirs, Forasmuch, anent a petitione given in to the Lords of our privy Councill be Thomas Weir Chirurgeon burges of Edinburgh Representing that quher the Secreet of prepairing and Compounding the medicinall pile, Called Doctor Andersones pile, being Communicat by the said Doctor to Catharin Andersone his Daughter and by her to the said Thomas Weir and to no other persone as appeared by her assigatione and Declaratione dated the fifteinth day of December one Thousand Six hundreth Eightie six, The said Thomas Weir therupon obtained in anno One Thousand six hundred Eightie seven a gift under our great seall, Giveing to him the sole power right and priviledge to prepair Compose Dispense and vend the said pil, and to use the printed papers stamp and seall formerly [r]aised by the said Doctor Andersone and his daughter. And Discharging all others from Composing Dispensing and vending the said pil, or useing the said printed papers Stamp and seall under the penaltie of ane thousand merks toties quoties as the said Gift with ane act of the Lords of our privy Councill and letters of publicatione raised therupon in favors of the petitioner therwith produced testified, nevertheless Thomas Steill merchant in Edinburgh haveing upon misrepresentatione Impetrat ane act of privy Councill dated the twentie sixth of Jully Jaj vjc Eightie Eight years Contraveening the forsaid gift, act, and letters abovementioned, In favors of the said Thomas Weir, and presumed to Counterfit the said pil, printed paper, Stamp and Seall; as also to print and disperse Severall false and Calumnious papers and placaids in London and else wher in prejudice not only of the said Thomas Weir who hade the true secreet and legall right in maner above mentioned But also our Leidges abused by the said Counterfitts, Wherupon the petitioner haveing lately raised and execute letters of Complaint against the said Thomas Steill for his so Contraveening forging and Slandering, he being Consious of his oun Guilt, Did not Compeir but suffered Certificatione to pass against him Upon which he stands denunced and registrat at the horne, and yet not, and yet notwithstanding he and others for and with him, doe still upon pretence of the forsaid act of privy Councill by him Impetrat as said is, persist in Contraveening the petitioners gift in Counterfiting and vending the said pile, To the prejudice of their majesties Leidges, so that necessary it is, That besides the forsaid Certificatione, The petitioner should have ane act of our saids Lords in his favor, Recalling and Rescinding and Dischargeing the act of privy Councill Impetrat by the said Thomas Steill as said is since that he refused to (nor could in Law) abyde by and mantaine the same, as also to Certierat all our Leidges of the premisses, And Therfore Supplicating to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione in it self more fully proports The saids Lords of our privy Councill haveing Considered the forsaid petition with the gift under the great seall and other wrytes produced therwith and mentioned therin, They by their act and sentance of the day and date heirof Have Recalled and Resinded and heirby Recalls and Rescinds the above act of privy Councill formerly made in favors of the said Thomas Steill, and have Declaired and heirby declairs That neither he nor any others are to use the printed papers Stamp and seall abovespecified in prejudice of the above Thomas Weir has the good and only right to use the same and to take notice of all Counterfitts and to Cause Conveen them before the privy Councill or any inferior Judicatory Competent, all the users and practisers therof That they may be punished, And have ordained and heirby Ordaines the said act with the petitioners gift under the Great Seall to be printed and published off which Gift the tenor followes sic supra scribitur James Rex Our Soveraigne Lord Considering that the medicinall pil invented by the deceast Doctor Patrick Andersone physician to his majesties dearest Father King Charles the first of ever blessed memory, hath by experience been found to be a most usuall and safe medicine, Which hath Recommended that pil not only to his majesties subjects in the kingdome of Scotland, But likewayes It hath been used in the kingdome of England Ireland and other places in Europe; And that it is very much the intrest of his Subjects and others that the skill and airt of Prepaireing and Compounding that pile be 2 preserved intire, and the Counterfitt sofisticat and adulterat piles be not Imposed upon any persone under the notione of this pil, which is so universally knowen and used And his majestie Considering that the secreet and skill of prepearing this pile was only Communicated by Doctor Anderson to his two Daughters with power only to the surviver of them to communicat and transmitt the secreet to some fitt and qualified persone, and that the deceast Katharine Andersone, the said Doctors surviveing daughter hath Communicat to Thomas Weir Chirurgeon in Edinburgh the wholl secreet and skill in Compareing and Compounding the forsaid pile, and hath suficiently instructed and seen him prepair and Compound and make up that pile, as well as ever it was done by Doctor Andersone of his Doctors aforsaid And that the said deceast Katharin Andersone hath by her assignatione dated the fifteinth day of December Jaj vjc Eightie Six years assigned and Disponed to the said Thomas Weir her stamp, for the directiones and seall for the boxes, with all other vessells matterialls and other instruments for Compounding prepairing and makeing up the saids piles, and that the said deceast Katharin Andersone doeth therby Declair that she hath Communicated and transmitted the secreet of prepairing and Compounding the said pil to the said Thomas Weir, and no other persone, And Considering that ther is non else to whom the secreet is Communicated or airt of prepairing and Compounding the said piles is Committed And that notwithstanding therof ther are severall persones who have allready and are of intentione to feinzie and Counterfitt the said pils, and to disperse the Same with printed papers and otherwayes, under the name of the said pile, Comonly Called Doctor Andersones pils, albeit the secreet of prepairing and Compounding therof was never Comunicat to them, nor to any other persone now ane life except the said Thomas Weir Which (if not prevented) might prove very dangerous and prejudiciall to his Majesties Leidges and others through makeing use of any Counterfitt Suffisticat and adulterat pils, and would much discourage the said Thomas Weir Who hath only the secreet of prepairing and Compounding therof to him Communicated by the said Katharin Andersone who assigned and disponed to him the said Stamp and seall with all other vessells and instruments for Compounding and dispenseing of the said pile in maner forsaid Therfore His majestie Ordaines a letter of Gift to be past and exped under his Majesties great seall of his ancient Kingdome of Scotland, Giveing Granting and Disponeing as his Majestie for himself and his Royall successors Gives Grants and Dispones to and in favors of the said Thomas Weir the sole power Right and priviledge to prepair Compound Dispense and vend the forsaid pile Called Doctor Andersons pil with power to him to use the said stampt and seall, formerly used by the said Katharine Andersone for attesting and marking the printed papers and boxes belonging to the saids piles For all the dayes and years of the said Thomas Weir his lifetime, And his majestie doeth heirby Discharge all other persone or persones whatsomever dureing the said space directly or indirectly to prepair Compound make up Dispence or vend any pile or piles under the name of the said pile invented by the said deceast Doctor Andersone or papers relateing theirto without the speciall License of the said Thomas Weir under the penalty of ane Thousand merks scots money for each Contraventione, And his majestie doeth heirby Recommend to his privy Councill and other Judicatories of the said kingdome of Scotland to see, his pleasure concerning the premisses rendered effectuall and the Contraveeners fyned or punished to the terror of others, provydeing allwayes that the said Thomas Weir shall be bound and oblidged not only to continue the faithfull and true prepairing Composeing makeing up and dispenseing of the saids Piles, as wes formerly done by the said deceast Doctor Andersone and his daughters, but likewayes to communicat the secreet therof, and instruct any qualified persone he shall think fitt or prepair Compose and make up the said pile, (That the inventione be not Lost) who shall have no benefit priviledge or Libertie to Compose or vend the forsaid pile dureing the full time and space abovewritten And his majestie ordaines the said Gift to be further extended with all Clauses needfull and to pass the great seall per saltium without passing any other sealls or registers in order therunto, These presents shall be to the director of his majesties Chancellory for writting out the same, and to the Lord high Chancellor for Causing the great seall to be appended therto a suficient warrand Given at our Court at Whithall the nynteinth day of May Jaj vjc Eightie seven, and of his majesties reigne the thrid year. By his majesties Command sic subscribitur Melfort As the said act Ordaineing thir our Letters of publicatione to be direct therupon Under the signet of Councill in maner and to the effect above and underwritten more fully proports Our Will is Heirfore and wee charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent these our letters seen yee pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and wholl remanent mercat Crosses of the head burghes of the shires of this Kingdome and other places needfull and ther in our name and authoritie by open proclamatione make publicatione of the said act or privy Councill and of the said Gift past under our great seall In favors of the said Thomas Weir That all Our Leidges may have notice therof and given Obedience therto under the pains 3 and Certificationes therin mentioned and being further answerable 4As our privy Councill shall think fitt in caice they contraveen, according to Justice as yee will answer to us therupon The which to doe will Committ to yow Conjunctllie and severallie our full power by these our letters delivering them be yow duly execute and indorsed againe to the bearer Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the nynteinth day of Jully One Thousand six hundred nyntie four years and of our Reigne the sixth year.

Edinburgh the nynteinth day of Jully Jaj vjc nyntie four


Letter: royal

Letters of Publicatione In Favors of Thomas Weir Chirurgeon in Edinburgh

William and Mary be the Grace of God King and Queen of Great Brittaine France and Ireland defenders of the faith to our Lovits Maccers of our privy Councill or messengers at armes our shireffs in that part Conjunctllie and severallie speciallie Constitute and to all and sundrie Our leidges and subjects whom it effeirs, Forasmuch, anent a petitione given in to the Lords of our privy Councill be Thomas Weir Chirurgeon burges of Edinburgh Representing that quher the Secreet of prepairing and Compounding the medicinall pile, Called Doctor Andersones pile, being Communicat by the said Doctor to Catharin Andersone his Daughter and by her to the said Thomas Weir and to no other persone as appeared by her assigatione and Declaratione dated the fifteinth day of December one Thousand Six hundreth Eightie six, The said Thomas Weir therupon obtained in anno One Thousand six hundred Eightie seven a gift under our great seall, Giveing to him the sole power right and priviledge to prepair Compose Dispense and vend the said pil, and to use the printed papers stamp and seall formerly [r]aised by the said Doctor Andersone and his daughter. And Discharging all others from Composing Dispensing and vending the said pil, or useing the said printed papers Stamp and seall under the penaltie of ane thousand merks toties quoties as the said Gift with ane act of the Lords of our privy Councill and letters of publicatione raised therupon in favors of the petitioner therwith produced testified, nevertheless Thomas Steill merchant in Edinburgh haveing upon misrepresentatione Impetrat ane act of privy Councill dated the twentie sixth of Jully Jaj vjc Eightie Eight years Contraveening the forsaid gift, act, and letters abovementioned, In favors of the said Thomas Weir, and presumed to Counterfit the said pil, printed paper, Stamp and Seall; as also to print and disperse Severall false and Calumnious papers and placaids in London and else wher in prejudice not only of the said Thomas Weir who hade the true secreet and legall right in maner above mentioned But also our Leidges abused by the said Counterfitts, Wherupon the petitioner haveing lately raised and execute letters of Complaint against the said Thomas Steill for his so Contraveening forging and Slandering, he being Consious of his oun Guilt, Did not Compeir but suffered Certificatione to pass against him Upon which he stands denunced and registrat at the horne, and yet not, and yet notwithstanding he and others for and with him, doe still upon pretence of the forsaid act of privy Councill by him Impetrat as said is, persist in Contraveening the petitioners gift in Counterfiting and vending the said pile, To the prejudice of their majesties Leidges, so that necessary it is, That besides the forsaid Certificatione, The petitioner should have ane act of our saids Lords in his favor, Recalling and Rescinding and Dischargeing the act of privy Councill Impetrat by the said Thomas Steill as said is since that he refused to (nor could in Law) abyde by and mantaine the same, as also to Certierat all our Leidges of the premisses, And Therfore Supplicating to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione in it self more fully proports The saids Lords of our privy Councill haveing Considered the forsaid petition with the gift under the great seall and other wrytes produced therwith and mentioned therin, They by their act and sentance of the day and date heirof Have Recalled and Resinded and heirby Recalls and Rescinds the above act of privy Councill formerly made in favors of the said Thomas Steill, and have Declaired and heirby declairs That neither he nor any others are to use the printed papers Stamp and seall abovespecified in prejudice of the above Thomas Weir has the good and only right to use the same and to take notice of all Counterfitts and to Cause Conveen them before the privy Councill or any inferior Judicatory Competent, all the users and practisers therof That they may be punished, And have ordained and heirby Ordaines the said act with the petitioners gift under the Great Seall to be printed and published off which Gift the tenor followes sic supra scribitur James Rex Our Soveraigne Lord Considering that the medicinall pil invented by the deceast Doctor Patrick Andersone physician to his majesties dearest Father King Charles the first of ever blessed memory, hath by experience been found to be a most usuall and safe medicine, Which hath Recommended that pil not only to his majesties subjects in the kingdome of Scotland, But likewayes It hath been used in the kingdome of England Ireland and other places in Europe; And that it is very much the intrest of his Subjects and others that the skill and airt of Prepaireing and Compounding that pile be 2 preserved intire, and the Counterfitt sofisticat and adulterat piles be not Imposed upon any persone under the notione of this pil, which is so universally knowen and used And his majestie Considering that the secreet and skill of prepearing this pile was only Communicated by Doctor Anderson to his two Daughters with power only to the surviver of them to communicat and transmitt the secreet to some fitt and qualified persone, and that the deceast Katharine Andersone, the said Doctors surviveing daughter hath Communicat to Thomas Weir Chirurgeon in Edinburgh the wholl secreet and skill in Compareing and Compounding the forsaid pile, and hath suficiently instructed and seen him prepair and Compound and make up that pile, as well as ever it was done by Doctor Andersone of his Doctors aforsaid And that the said deceast Katharin Andersone hath by her assignatione dated the fifteinth day of December Jaj vjc Eightie Six years assigned and Disponed to the said Thomas Weir her stamp, for the directiones and seall for the boxes, with all other vessells matterialls and other instruments for Compounding prepairing and makeing up the saids piles, and that the said deceast Katharin Andersone doeth therby Declair that she hath Communicated and transmitted the secreet of prepairing and Compounding the said pil to the said Thomas Weir, and no other persone, And Considering that ther is non else to whom the secreet is Communicated or airt of prepairing and Compounding the said piles is Committed And that notwithstanding therof ther are severall persones who have allready and are of intentione to feinzie and Counterfitt the said pils, and to disperse the Same with printed papers and otherwayes, under the name of the said pile, Comonly Called Doctor Andersones pils, albeit the secreet of prepairing and Compounding therof was never Comunicat to them, nor to any other persone now ane life except the said Thomas Weir Which (if not prevented) might prove very dangerous and prejudiciall to his Majesties Leidges and others through makeing use of any Counterfitt Suffisticat and adulterat pils, and would much discourage the said Thomas Weir Who hath only the secreet of prepairing and Compounding therof to him Communicated by the said Katharin Andersone who assigned and disponed to him the said Stamp and seall with all other vessells and instruments for Compounding and dispenseing of the said pile in maner forsaid Therfore His majestie Ordaines a letter of Gift to be past and exped under his Majesties great seall of his ancient Kingdome of Scotland, Giveing Granting and Disponeing as his Majestie for himself and his Royall successors Gives Grants and Dispones to and in favors of the said Thomas Weir the sole power Right and priviledge to prepair Compound Dispense and vend the forsaid pile Called Doctor Andersons pil with power to him to use the said stampt and seall, formerly used by the said Katharine Andersone for attesting and marking the printed papers and boxes belonging to the saids piles For all the dayes and years of the said Thomas Weir his lifetime, And his majestie doeth heirby Discharge all other persone or persones whatsomever dureing the said space directly or indirectly to prepair Compound make up Dispence or vend any pile or piles under the name of the said pile invented by the said deceast Doctor Andersone or papers relateing theirto without the speciall License of the said Thomas Weir under the penalty of ane Thousand merks scots money for each Contraventione, And his majestie doeth heirby Recommend to his privy Councill and other Judicatories of the said kingdome of Scotland to see, his pleasure concerning the premisses rendered effectuall and the Contraveeners fyned or punished to the terror of others, provydeing allwayes that the said Thomas Weir shall be bound and oblidged not only to continue the faithfull and true prepairing Composeing makeing up and dispenseing of the saids Piles, as wes formerly done by the said deceast Doctor Andersone and his daughters, but likewayes to communicat the secreet therof, and instruct any qualified persone he shall think fitt or prepair Compose and make up the said pile, (That the inventione be not Lost) who shall have no benefit priviledge or Libertie to Compose or vend the forsaid pile dureing the full time and space abovewritten And his majestie ordaines the said Gift to be further extended with all Clauses needfull and to pass the great seall per saltium without passing any other sealls or registers in order therunto, These presents shall be to the director of his majesties Chancellory for writting out the same, and to the Lord high Chancellor for Causing the great seall to be appended therto a suficient warrand Given at our Court at Whithall the nynteinth day of May Jaj vjc Eightie seven, and of his majesties reigne the thrid year. By his majesties Command sic subscribitur Melfort As the said act Ordaineing thir our Letters of publicatione to be direct therupon Under the signet of Councill in maner and to the effect above and underwritten more fully proports Our Will is Heirfore and wee charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent these our letters seen yee pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh and wholl remanent mercat Crosses of the head burghes of the shires of this Kingdome and other places needfull and ther in our name and authoritie by open proclamatione make publicatione of the said act or privy Councill and of the said Gift past under our great seall In favors of the said Thomas Weir That all Our Leidges may have notice therof and given Obedience therto under the pains 3 and Certificationes therin mentioned and being further answerable 4As our privy Councill shall think fitt in caice they contraveen, according to Justice as yee will answer to us therupon The which to doe will Committ to yow Conjunctllie and severallie our full power by these our letters delivering them be yow duly execute and indorsed againe to the bearer Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the nynteinth day of Jully One Thousand six hundred nyntie four years and of our Reigne the sixth year.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 23v-27r.

2. The word ‘prepaired’ scored out here.

3. The words ‘of Certificatione’ scored out here.

4. One illegible word scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/25, 23v-27r.

2. The word ‘prepaired’ scored out here.

3. The words ‘of Certificatione’ scored out here.

4. One illegible word scored out here.