Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of february Jaj vic nyntie four years
Commission by the Council
Commission for additional Commissioners in the shyre of Linlithgow
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Considering That by the sixth Act of the second session of their majesties Current parliament of this their ancient Kingdom of Scotland Ther are Commissioners appointed in each shyre of this kingdome for proportioning the supply by the said Act granted to their Majesties and for seing and ordoring the uplifting of the samen furth of the respective shyres quherof they are appointed Commissioners And that by the said Act It is remitted to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill To nominat other persons to be Commissioners upon the death or not acceptance of any of the persons mentioned in the said Act And the saids Lords being Informed that the persons following who by the said Act are nominat Commissioners within the shyre of Linlithgow are deceased since the making therof viz The Lord Cardross Mr John Fairholme of Craigiehall and the Laird of Bedlormie elder and that severall others of the Commissioners nominat in the said Act Have not qualified themselves for the exercise of their said office and trust of Commissioners forsaids By suearing the oath of alleadgance to their Majesties and signing the assurance In the termes of the Acts of parliament and Councill Therfore the saids Lords of privie Councill Doe heirby nominat and appoint the persones follouing viz the Earle of Annandale the Lord John Hamilton The Lord Cardross James Douglass of Phomperstoune James Hamilton of Bangour Alexander Cochrane younger of Babachlaw Mr Alexander Dicksone elder of Westbinnie David Dundas of Philpstoune James Carmichaell of Poddieshaw and James Hamilton of Balderstoune To be Commissioners of supply in the said shyre of Linlithgow In place of these deceased or not accepting as said as And that for the effect above and in the said Act and subsequent acts of parliament particularly mentioned And Gives and Grants to the persones heirby nominat Commissioners as said is (so soon as they shall be qualified by suearing and signing the oath of alleadgance and signing the assurance to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary In the termes of the Act of parliament) The same pouer priviledge and Commiscience which by the said Act of parliament Is granted to the persones therinnamed To be exercised alse fullie and freely in all respects as if they had been named in the said Act of parliament and as any other Commissioners of supply In any other shyre within this kingdome does or may Laufullie doe and the saids Lords doe heirby authorize the persons who shall be Conveener of the Commissioners of Supplie In the said shyre for the tyme or aither of them to administer the oath of alleadgance to the saids Commissioners heirby nominat as said is And to see them suear and signe the same and subscrive the assurance appointed by the Act of parliament and that the first dyet of the Commissioners meeting after thir presents shall Come to their hands And appoints the saids Commissioners to report the said Alleadgance so suorne and the Assurance Soe signed to the Clarks of their Majesties privy Councill And that uithin the space of […] after their meeting and administrating the said oath and assurance
1. NRS, PC1/49, 279-80.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 279-80.