Procedure, 7 June 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the seventh day of June Jaj vic nyntie four years



Oath of alleadgance and assurance by the Duke of Lenox and Richmond

Follouing oath of alleadgance uith the assurance Being read in Councell this day uas ordered to be recorded wherof the tenor Folloues
Att Whytehall the 19 day of May Jaj vic nyntie Four In presence of James Earle of Drumlanrig John Master of Stair and Mr James Johnstoun secretaries of state for the Kingdome of Scotland Compeared Charles Duke of Lenox and Richmond And ther suore the oath of alleadgance to their Majesties and signed the same and Lykeuise signed the assurance In relatione to his Graces heretabill offices of the Regality of Lenox and Darnly The Admirality and Chamberlanecy of Scotland The Castle of Dumbarton The bailliarie and Justiciary of Glasgow and the whole other Jurisdictions and patronages Contained in his Graces charter under the Great seall dated at Edinburgh the 6th of September 168i as folloues
I Charles Duke of Lenox and Richmond Doe sincerely promise and suear That I will be faithfull and Bear true alleadgance to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary so help me God sic subscribitur Lenox and Richmond Folloues the assurance
I Charles Duke of Lenox and Richmond Doe in the sincerity of my heart assert acknouledge and declare That their majesties King William and Queen Mary are the only Laufull undoubted soveraigns of this realme as well de jure That is of right King and Queen as de facto That is in the possession and exercise of the Government And therfore I doe sincerely and faithfullie promise and Engage That I will uith heart and hand Life and Goods mantaine and defend their Majesties Title and government against the late King James and his adherents and all other enemies who ather by open or secret attempts shall disturb or disquiet their majesties in the possession and exercise therof sic subscribitur Lenox and Richmond Drumlangrig John Dalrymple James Johnstoun

Att Edinburgh the seventh day of June Jaj vic nyntie four years



Oath of alleadgance and assurance by the Duke of Lenox and Richmond

Follouing oath of alleadgance uith the assurance Being read in Councell this day uas ordered to be recorded wherof the tenor Folloues
Att Whytehall the 19 day of May Jaj vic nyntie Four In presence of James Earle of Drumlanrig John Master of Stair and Mr James Johnstoun secretaries of state for the Kingdome of Scotland Compeared Charles Duke of Lenox and Richmond And ther suore the oath of alleadgance to their Majesties and signed the same and Lykeuise signed the assurance In relatione to his Graces heretabill offices of the Regality of Lenox and Darnly The Admirality and Chamberlanecy of Scotland The Castle of Dumbarton The bailliarie and Justiciary of Glasgow and the whole other Jurisdictions and patronages Contained in his Graces charter under the Great seall dated at Edinburgh the 6th of September 168i as folloues
I Charles Duke of Lenox and Richmond Doe sincerely promise and suear That I will be faithfull and Bear true alleadgance to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary so help me God sic subscribitur Lenox and Richmond Folloues the assurance
I Charles Duke of Lenox and Richmond Doe in the sincerity of my heart assert acknouledge and declare That their majesties King William and Queen Mary are the only Laufull undoubted soveraigns of this realme as well de jure That is of right King and Queen as de facto That is in the possession and exercise of the Government And therfore I doe sincerely and faithfullie promise and Engage That I will uith heart and hand Life and Goods mantaine and defend their Majesties Title and government against the late King James and his adherents and all other enemies who ather by open or secret attempts shall disturb or disquiet their majesties in the possession and exercise therof sic subscribitur Lenox and Richmond Drumlangrig John Dalrymple James Johnstoun

1. NRS, PC1/49, 378-9.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 378-9.