Att Edinburgh The Seventh day of June Jaj vjc nyntie four years
Act Thomas Fullertoune
Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be Thomas Fullertoune Captaine of the William and Mary Friggott attending the Garisone of Fort William at Innerlochie Shewing That quheras the petitioner being Commanded by Coll John Hill governor of Fort William in January last by past to sail with the said Frigott Togither with Fourscore Centinalls out of the said Coll his regiement to relieve the Garisones of Castle Thirholme and Islandoran and after the petitioner haveing relived the said Garisones and seeking homeward was unfortunatly trysted with ane violent tempest and driven upon the Coast of Ireland so that upon life and death (the said Friggot Loossing her foremast and much of her rigging) Gott into Belfast in Ireland some of their ships Crew haveing been washen overboard before they Could gett in thither and the petitioner haveing received orders from Collonell Hill to repair beatt and outrigg the said Friggot at Belfast and from thence to saill straight to Clyde for to transport the said Collonell his regiments wholl new Cloathing Mounting and accutraments to the Garison of Fort William and the petitioner haveing unloaded and taken aboard of the said Frigott in the begining of march last bypast at Belfast the provisiones aftermentioned viz thrie bolls of oatmeall for the use of the Frigots Crew six bolls of Flower for the use of the said Coll and his Livetennent Coll and betwixt two or thrie bolls of Oats and six bolls of malt for the use of the fornamed persones The said quantitie of victualls being bought and taken aboard before ther was any proclamatione Issued out Discharging the Import of any Irish victuall, And the petitioner at his arryvall at Clyde was so Ignorant of the said proclamation that he did report and enter the said six bolls of Flower and profered to pay the usuall dutie for the same, Wherupon […] Crafurd of Drumsuy has made not only seizure of the forsaid small parcell of victualls although unloaded before any proclamatione was Issued out to the contrait but also stops and Impeds the said Frigott (For what ground the petitioner knowes not) from receiving and takeing aboard the wholl new Cloathing and accutraments of the said Coll Hill his regiement some wherof are Lying in packs and Casks in open Gabbarts at the said Frigot ready to be put aboard and are exposed to wind and weather which cannot but tend to the great damnadge and prejudice of the said regiments Cloathing unles their Lordships should order some speedy Course to be taken theranent And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords To ordaine the said […] Crafurd of Drumsay to restore to the petitioner the above specified small quantitie of victuall seing it was unloaded before any act to the Contrare, and allow the petitioner to take aboard of the said Frigot the Cloathing of the said regiment, so that the damnifieing of the poor souldiers Cloathes may be prevented as the said petitione bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them be the above Thomas Fullertoune They hereby ordaine […] Crafurd of Drumsay to restore the above victuall to the petitioner and allowes the petitioner to take aboard the above Cloathing of the above regiment The petitioner allwayes satisfieing the said Crafurd of Drumsuy what expences he has been at in seizing the above victuall according as the same shall be determined by the Earle of Cassills whom the saids Lords Doe hereby authorize and Impower to determine the saids expence and appoints the same to be payed at the sight of the said Earle.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 2r-3r.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 2r-3r.