Att Edinburgh the sixteenth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four years
Commission by the Council
Commission Captain Adams against the Bass
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Considering that the Isle and rock of the Bass and rebells therin who have Long held out may now be in some straits for want of privisions And as is Informed are in dayly expectation to be succoured and releived by some of the Enemies ships or vessells that may arryve therat As also that the rebells in the said Island Have of Late had the boldnes to seize a bark uithin the firth For which reasons The saids Lords have already given Commissione for Commanding tuo severall shipps or friggotts furnished and outreiked for watching the said Isle And sesing all shipps bound therto And seing it may be usefull and necessary both for defence of the ships outreicked And for preventing any releiff which may come to the saids rebells from any of their Majesties enemies That a fyreship be reicked out and putt to sea They Have thought good to outreik such a ship And in absence of the Duke of Hamilton Lord High Admirall and in the present exigence to Give Commission to the persone afternamed to Command the said fyreship for to watch the said Bass And to hinder all manner of provisions or supplies to be brought or Entered into it And Lykeuayes to secure the ships and vessells belonging to his Majesties Leidges that may be in hazard from their attacks and surprises and the saids Lords Having speciall Confidence and trust in the Loyaltie Cowrage and good conduct of […] Adams Leivtennant to the artillery Company Have therfore nominated and appointed And heirby nominat and appoint The said Leivtennant Adams to be Captaine of the ship called the […] uith all amunitione and matterialls proportionable as a fyre ship Commissionat in their Majesties service To the speciall effect underwryten allenarly Giving Granting and Committing to the said Captain […] Full pouer warrand Commission and charge to saile furth the forsaid fyreship provyded as above to watch the forsaid Island and fort of the Bass And for that end to Cruise betuixt St Abbs head and Fifeness day and night uith all care and dilligence And to seise all shipps whatsoever great or small bound or Justly suspect to be bound for the said Isle and fort of the Bass or to any other port uithin the Firth For the supplying and releiving therof uith any sorts of provisions of men victuall armes amunitione or others whatsoever And if need beis upon resistance to fight sink burne and destroy or otheruayes overmaster the saids shipps or vessells And to burne and Consume the said fyreship itself and matterialls therin as he shall see Cause upon the saids Enemy and shipps or vessells And Lykeuayes to seise all shipps boats or vessells whatsomever coming from the Bass And in case of resistance to fight sink burne and destroy or otherwayes overmaster them And to burne and Consume the said fyreship as above And Generally to watch and shutt up the said rock and Island and rebells therin uith all possible care and stricknes and use all manner of hostility against them for that effect And to reduce them by all methods possible And ordaines the said Captaine to preserve harmles and skaithles all shipps and vessells whatsomever uith their goods and Loading belonging to their Majesties good subjects or alleyes from all attempts and violences from the saids rebells or any other their Majesties enemies As also Gives full pouer and Commission to the said Captaine […] to seise all shipps and vessells belonging to Enemies in proppertie or having Commission from them uithin the Firth or bounds above appointed for the said fyreships Cruising And that if need beis by fighting destroying or otheruayes overmastering the saids Enemies as he shall see Cause And to bring the shipps or vessells so over mastered and apprehended to any port or harbour uithin this kingdome uithout breaking bulk or altering the propperty therof To be proceeded against and Judged according to Law in the high Court of admirality in this Kingdome or such other Court or Courts as by a particular and speciall warrand and Commission shall be sufficiently authorized to doe the samen And to the effect that after such proceedings and adjudicationes the saids enemies ships and goods be sold and disposed of as of right appertaining provyded alwayes that of such shipps and vessells as also out of waires and merchandise whatsoever found aboard the saids vessells as shall be Judged Laufull prise Ther be payed to the Lord high Admirall the tenths or to any who shall have sufficient warrand and pouer to receave the same And the Remainder to be disposed off by the Lords of their Majesties thesaury for their Majesties use authorizing the said […] Generallie to doe and performe all and every thing touards the executione of the haill premisses as is necessary and requisite promitting to hold firme and stable all and whatsoever shall be Laufullie done by the said Captain […] by vertue of these presents and ordaines this Commission to Continow and Endure ay and while the samen be recalled by the Kings majestie or by us or till the said Island of the Bass be surrendered And Lastly the saids Lords ordaine the said Captaine […] before he shall act any thing by vertue of these presents to find sufficient Caution acted in the books of privie Councell for the faithfull observing of the premisses and such farder articles and Instructions as his Majestie or the Councell shall give toutching the same. Signed and sealled by the Signet of Councell at Edinburgh the sixteenth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four years sic subscribitur Tueeddall cancel Southerland Annandale Forfar Poluarth James Steuart Adam Cockburne F: Montgomery T: Livingstoune John Hall
1. NRS, PC1/49, 347-9.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 347-9.