Act, 13 November 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh tuesday 13th November 1694



Act Forbes and Fordyce

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councille by Masters James Forbes and Robert Fordyce Prisoners ordered out of the Countrey Shewing that the said Lords when the petitioners were prisoners ordered them to find Cautione to transport themselves out of the Countrey betwixt and the fyfteen day of this instant which Cautione they found and in that and the other poynts contained in their bond have observed the said Lords orders punctuallie But their affairs and concerns with the Earle of Abboyne not unknown to the said Lords being not as yet altogether cleared by reasone that persones and papers necessary to that effect are not yet come from the north and seing also That noe convenient occasione doth offer at present for their said transport and therfore Humblie Craveing the said Lords would prorogate the foresaid day appoynted for their transport untill such convenient tyme as they may expeed their affaires and may have the necessar occasione of a fleet under good convoy for goeing abroad The said petitioners renewing their foresaid surety and Cautione to observe the said Lords their appoyntment and if the said Lords in the favour now desyred should be pleased to have reguaird to their old age and the hard seasone of the year with the infirmities they labour under alsweill as to the necessity of their affairs it would be to them a most acceptable office of Charitie as the said petitione at lenth bears The Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered this petitione given in to them by the said Masters James Forbes and Robert Fordyce They Hereby prorogat the day of their transportatione from this Kingdome untill the fyfteen day of Februarie next to come inclusive The said petitioners first renewing the former bonds and giveing new bonds with sufficient Cautioners That they should not goe beyond or to the other syde of the water of Forth so long as they remain within this Kingdome and that they shall depairt furth thereof and transport themselves to the Netherlands betwixt and the said fyfteen day of Februarie next inclusive wind and weather serveing the said Master James Forbes under the former penalty of fyve Hundred pound starling and the said Master Robert Fordyce under the penalty of two Hundred pounds starling and upon granting of their new bonds Ordaines the old bonds to be given up.

At Edinburgh tuesday 13th November 1694



Act Forbes and Fordyce

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councille by Masters James Forbes and Robert Fordyce Prisoners ordered out of the Countrey Shewing that the said Lords when the petitioners were prisoners ordered them to find Cautione to transport themselves out of the Countrey betwixt and the fyfteen day of this instant which Cautione they found and in that and the other poynts contained in their bond have observed the said Lords orders punctuallie But their affairs and concerns with the Earle of Abboyne not unknown to the said Lords being not as yet altogether cleared by reasone that persones and papers necessary to that effect are not yet come from the north and seing also That noe convenient occasione doth offer at present for their said transport and therfore Humblie Craveing the said Lords would prorogate the foresaid day appoynted for their transport untill such convenient tyme as they may expeed their affaires and may have the necessar occasione of a fleet under good convoy for goeing abroad The said petitioners renewing their foresaid surety and Cautione to observe the said Lords their appoyntment and if the said Lords in the favour now desyred should be pleased to have reguaird to their old age and the hard seasone of the year with the infirmities they labour under alsweill as to the necessity of their affairs it would be to them a most acceptable office of Charitie as the said petitione at lenth bears The Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered this petitione given in to them by the said Masters James Forbes and Robert Fordyce They Hereby prorogat the day of their transportatione from this Kingdome untill the fyfteen day of Februarie next to come inclusive The said petitioners first renewing the former bonds and giveing new bonds with sufficient Cautioners That they should not goe beyond or to the other syde of the water of Forth so long as they remain within this Kingdome and that they shall depairt furth thereof and transport themselves to the Netherlands betwixt and the said fyfteen day of Februarie next inclusive wind and weather serveing the said Master James Forbes under the former penalty of fyve Hundred pound starling and the said Master Robert Fordyce under the penalty of two Hundred pounds starling and upon granting of their new bonds Ordaines the old bonds to be given up.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 44-5.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 44-5.