Act, 5 April 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fifth Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act The Countes of Seaforth.

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Issobell Countes of Seaforth Shewing That quher the petitioner is obleidged to furnish fiftein men out of the lands in the shyre of Ross and the Isles of Lewes and others belonging to her, And the Lewes and Isles Lying at a great Distance the proportion of men furnished out therof Could not by the distance of the place and Storminess of the seas come up to be delivered to the officer appointed to receive them And the petitioner used all posible means to furnish others in ther place and for that end hyred and presented fiftein men of which the officer refused nyne, Therafter the petitioner Caused present other nyne men in ther place and of which nyne he refused six so that it is not in the petitioners power to furnish other men untill they be brought from the Isles and Lewes out of which they are to be furnished And Seing the petitioner is content to present the six men being suficient at any place within this kingdome wher the saids Lords should appoint ane Competent time being allowed to the petitioner for doeing therof And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords to allow the petitioner a Competent time to provyde these six men and appoint any place within the kingdome for deliverie of them to any Comander of any part of the forces the saids Lords should ordaine seing she was satisfied to transport them upon the petitioners oun hazard and expences and in the mean time to delay any procedor anent ther being deficient as the petition bears The Lords of ther majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Countes of Seaforth They allow the petitioner yet to provyde six suficient men in place of these refused by the officer And Ordaines the petitioner to deliver the said six men at Stirling to the Commanding officer ther for the time being And that at2 any time betwixt and the Eight day of May nixt under the paine of being Lyable to a double penalty for deficiencie besydes what is contained in the proclamationes and instructiones of Councill published theranent

Edinburgh the Fifth Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act The Countes of Seaforth.

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be Issobell Countes of Seaforth Shewing That quher the petitioner is obleidged to furnish fiftein men out of the lands in the shyre of Ross and the Isles of Lewes and others belonging to her, And the Lewes and Isles Lying at a great Distance the proportion of men furnished out therof Could not by the distance of the place and Storminess of the seas come up to be delivered to the officer appointed to receive them And the petitioner used all posible means to furnish others in ther place and for that end hyred and presented fiftein men of which the officer refused nyne, Therafter the petitioner Caused present other nyne men in ther place and of which nyne he refused six so that it is not in the petitioners power to furnish other men untill they be brought from the Isles and Lewes out of which they are to be furnished And Seing the petitioner is content to present the six men being suficient at any place within this kingdome wher the saids Lords should appoint ane Competent time being allowed to the petitioner for doeing therof And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords to allow the petitioner a Competent time to provyde these six men and appoint any place within the kingdome for deliverie of them to any Comander of any part of the forces the saids Lords should ordaine seing she was satisfied to transport them upon the petitioners oun hazard and expences and in the mean time to delay any procedor anent ther being deficient as the petition bears The Lords of ther majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above Countes of Seaforth They allow the petitioner yet to provyde six suficient men in place of these refused by the officer And Ordaines the petitioner to deliver the said six men at Stirling to the Commanding officer ther for the time being And that at2 any time betwixt and the Eight day of May nixt under the paine of being Lyable to a double penalty for deficiencie besydes what is contained in the proclamationes and instructiones of Councill published theranent

1. NRS, PC2/24, 384v-385r.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 384v-385r.

2. Insertion.