Procedure, 30 October 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

At Edinburgh tuesday The 30th October 1694



Approbatione of the Lord Advocat causeing ship Seatone and Darville in order to their Banishment.

Sir James Stueart their majesties Advocat Haveing represented to the Councill That He had Caused ship aboard the Golden lyone of Leith which is to saill with this fleet that is presently goeing to Holland whereof James Kendell is master The persones of Master James Seatone and Francis Darville reputed to be Preists and who were prisoners in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh and who by sentance of Councill of the eleventh of October instant are banished furth of this Kingdome and appoynted to give bond and Cautione That they shall depart with this fleet In respect the said two persones declaired they were not able to find Cautione and that his Lordship hes taken their oblidgement That they shall returne to the Clerks of Councill a Certificat of their arryvale at Holland under the Hands of the magistrats where they shall arryve which he hes delyvered to the said Clerks The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill doe Hereby approve of what the Lord Advocat hes done in this matter as above narrated.

At Edinburgh tuesday The 30th October 1694



Approbatione of the Lord Advocat causeing ship Seatone and Darville in order to their Banishment.

Sir James Stueart their majesties Advocat Haveing represented to the Councill That He had Caused ship aboard the Golden lyone of Leith which is to saill with this fleet that is presently goeing to Holland whereof James Kendell is master The persones of Master James Seatone and Francis Darville reputed to be Preists and who were prisoners in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh and who by sentance of Councill of the eleventh of October instant are banished furth of this Kingdome and appoynted to give bond and Cautione That they shall depart with this fleet In respect the said two persones declaired they were not able to find Cautione and that his Lordship hes taken their oblidgement That they shall returne to the Clerks of Councill a Certificat of their arryvale at Holland under the Hands of the magistrats where they shall arryve which he hes delyvered to the said Clerks The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill doe Hereby approve of what the Lord Advocat hes done in this matter as above narrated.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 34.

1. NRS, PC1/50, 34.