Order, 16 April 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the sixteenth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four years



order Anent proclamation for seising horses and armes

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Considering that they have Lately Emitted a proclamatione In pursuance of the Act of parliament Jaj vic nyntie three anent the taking of horses and armes from such as shall not suear the oath of alleadgance and subscribe the assurance Have thought fitt at this tyme and untill further order to regulat the execution of this proclamatione as folloues viz that the same is not to be putt in executione against any tennents or Labourers for his having or keeping of draught horses plough horse or any other sort of Labouring horse pertaining to himself as ouner thogh above the value mentioned in the Act of parliament or for having of armes beyond the allouance of the said Act And this ordinance of Councell all shirreffs and their deputs baillies of regalities and other officers of the Lau mentioned in the said proclamatione are heirby requyred to observe untill further order as they uill be ansuerable And alloues thir presents to be printed And ordaines printed Coppies therof to be transmitted by their Majesties Sollicitor to the shirreffs and other magistrats forsaids sic subscribitur Tueeddale cancel Southerland Annandale2 Forfar Beilhaven Poluarth James Steuart Adam Cockburn F: Muntgomery

Att Edinburgh the sixteenth day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four years



order Anent proclamation for seising horses and armes

The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Considering that they have Lately Emitted a proclamatione In pursuance of the Act of parliament Jaj vic nyntie three anent the taking of horses and armes from such as shall not suear the oath of alleadgance and subscribe the assurance Have thought fitt at this tyme and untill further order to regulat the execution of this proclamatione as folloues viz that the same is not to be putt in executione against any tennents or Labourers for his having or keeping of draught horses plough horse or any other sort of Labouring horse pertaining to himself as ouner thogh above the value mentioned in the Act of parliament or for having of armes beyond the allouance of the said Act And this ordinance of Councell all shirreffs and their deputs baillies of regalities and other officers of the Lau mentioned in the said proclamatione are heirby requyred to observe untill further order as they uill be ansuerable And alloues thir presents to be printed And ordaines printed Coppies therof to be transmitted by their Majesties Sollicitor to the shirreffs and other magistrats forsaids sic subscribitur Tueeddale cancel Southerland Annandale2 Forfar Beilhaven Poluarth James Steuart Adam Cockburn F: Muntgomery

1. NRS, PC1/49, 350.

2. Insertion.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 350.

2. Insertion.