Act, 27 February 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of february Jaj vic nyntie four years



Act David Robertsone

Anent the petitione given In to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Be David Robertsone vintner in Edinburgh Sheuing That the petitioner being fyned by the saids Lords in the soume of fiftie pounds sterling for drinking the health of the Laite King James He doeth in all humility acknouledge and acquiesce In the Justice and moderation of their Lordships said sentence and humbly begg pardon for his said offence But Craves pardon to represent to the saids Lords by his Long Imprisonment which occasioned much sicknes and the prejudice he sustained by having his house and Cellars blocked up and therby his wynes spoilled and his change (and which is the only means of his Livelyhood) absolutely broken for a considerable tyme The damnage which the petitioner did therby sustaine was farr above the fyne Imposed upon him by the saids Lords their sentence And seing his forsaid fyne is yet unpayed and that his bond for payment therof is yet Lying in their Lordships Clarks hands and as his forsaid offence did only proceed from his being overtaken with drink at the tyme so his deportment ever since hes been (and he hopes for the future shall be) uithout the Leist offence to their Majesties and the government And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships (In Consideratione of the premisses And that he is heartily sorry for his forsaid offence given to their Lordships in the premisses) to dispense with the payment of the forsaid fyne of fiftie pounds Sterline so justly Imposed upon him And to ordaine the Clark to delyver back his bond given for payment therof as the said petition bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Having Considered the above petition They heirby ordaine the petitioner Instantly to Consigne in the hands of the Clarks of Councill the soume of fyve pounds sterline to be disposed off as their Lordships Shall give ordor And upon Consigning the said fyve pounds sterling Declares him to be free of his Bond granted to the Councill Containing the fyne of fiftie pounds sterline and of all executione which hes folloued theron And appoints the Clarks of councill to delyver up the said Bond And the saids Lords ordaines their Clarks when the above fyve pound sterline shall be Consigned in their hands to delyver the same to Elizabeth Breadshaw spouse to James Houat merchant upon her recept which shall be a sufficient Discharge to them

Att Edinburgh The Tuentie seventh day of february Jaj vic nyntie four years



Act David Robertsone

Anent the petitione given In to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill Be David Robertsone vintner in Edinburgh Sheuing That the petitioner being fyned by the saids Lords in the soume of fiftie pounds sterling for drinking the health of the Laite King James He doeth in all humility acknouledge and acquiesce In the Justice and moderation of their Lordships said sentence and humbly begg pardon for his said offence But Craves pardon to represent to the saids Lords by his Long Imprisonment which occasioned much sicknes and the prejudice he sustained by having his house and Cellars blocked up and therby his wynes spoilled and his change (and which is the only means of his Livelyhood) absolutely broken for a considerable tyme The damnage which the petitioner did therby sustaine was farr above the fyne Imposed upon him by the saids Lords their sentence And seing his forsaid fyne is yet unpayed and that his bond for payment therof is yet Lying in their Lordships Clarks hands and as his forsaid offence did only proceed from his being overtaken with drink at the tyme so his deportment ever since hes been (and he hopes for the future shall be) uithout the Leist offence to their Majesties and the government And therfore Humbly Craving their Lordships (In Consideratione of the premisses And that he is heartily sorry for his forsaid offence given to their Lordships in the premisses) to dispense with the payment of the forsaid fyne of fiftie pounds Sterline so justly Imposed upon him And to ordaine the Clark to delyver back his bond given for payment therof as the said petition bears The saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Having Considered the above petition They heirby ordaine the petitioner Instantly to Consigne in the hands of the Clarks of Councill the soume of fyve pounds sterline to be disposed off as their Lordships Shall give ordor And upon Consigning the said fyve pounds sterling Declares him to be free of his Bond granted to the Councill Containing the fyne of fiftie pounds sterline and of all executione which hes folloued theron And appoints the Clarks of councill to delyver up the said Bond And the saids Lords ordaines their Clarks when the above fyve pound sterline shall be Consigned in their hands to delyver the same to Elizabeth Breadshaw spouse to James Houat merchant upon her recept which shall be a sufficient Discharge to them

1. NRS, PC1/49, 275.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 275.