Order, 13 March 1694 (pm), Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Eodem die [13 March 1694], Post Meridiem



Committie and Stop Dun and others Commissioners for the shyre of Angus.

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be David Erskine of Dun John Fullertoune of Kinaber, James Scot of Logie and James Mylne of Ballweill Commissioners to the parliament for the shire of Forfar with the other heritors of the said shyre that adhere to them Shewing that quher upon a remitt of Parliament their Lordships Ordained a revaluatione to be made of the said shyre And that such of the heritors as hade qualified themselves should be valuators In obedience Wherunto the Saids heritors did meet and were about to proceed when some of the heritors who hade ther oun particular Designes did apply to the saids Lords that all the heritors within the said shyre tho not qualified before, yet qualifying themselves therafter should be received into the number of valuators The Strict reasone and drift quherof did very quickly appear for when the valuators hade appointed that all the heritors should bring in their rentalls against the meeting Ordained in October, when the day of meeting came and the valuators expected that the said rentalls should be procured, Ther appeared Eight persones pretending to be heritors But all of them at best petty fewars, And some of them not haveing above ane accre or two of Land with the burdein of a Considerable few dutie of no less then a boll per acre, and some of them who could not either read or writt, which appeared from ther Causeing the Clerk Signe the assurance for them Which persones qualifieing themselves took place as heritors and valuators, But to shew that this was but a packt Contrivance So Soon as they were admitted in stead of proceeding to receive in the rentalls, They adjourned their nixt meeting untill the second Tusday of march to the manifast frustration of the parliament and the saids Lords appointment of the said revaluatione, And Seing that the forsaid practise is not only a visible abuse and such as was at the time protested against by the said Laird of Dun But also manifastly contrare to the meaning and intention of both parliament and Councill who in no doubt never proposed that any should be valuators but substantious heritors and such as hade at least so much rent as might Capacitate them to be Commisioners of parliament and that also the forsaid delay is ane open Declaration and Scorne that in effect they designe rather to frustrat then to perfect the revaluatione ordained And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords for remeedie of such a gross and visible abuse To Declare and Ordaine in the first place that non Meet or act as valuators within the said shyre Except they have at least four hundred punds of valued rent of Estate within the shyre Discharging all others to meet or act for heirafter, And in the nixt place to ordaine the valuators thus allowed to meet peremptorly upon the forsaid second Tuesday of March, and being so mett to proceid closly and vigerously for perfecting of the said revaluatione appointing their dyets for therafter at most with a fourth nights intervall and sooner as they shall see cause But no longer on any pretext and so to attend the said work untill it be accomplished and furder Because the saids valuators doe now find a sencible prejudice in not recording of rentalls brought in in former valuationes Therfore it is furder humbly Craved that the saids Lords would appoint the rentalls now to be brought in to be Recorded by the Clerks in the books of the shyre ad futuram rej memoriam and the haill premisses with such Certificatione as the saids Lords pleased to appoint, and to declare all this to be without prejudice of the saids Lords act forsaid revaluation of the date the twentie day of June last as to all other things therincontained as the said petition bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above David Erskine John Fullertoune, James Scot and James Mylne Commissioners to the parliament for the shyre of Forfar with the other heritors of the said Shyre adhereing to them with the answers made therto by the Earles of Strathmore and Airly, The Lairds of Pewnie, Blanamoon, Phinhaven, and the other heritors of the shyre of Angus They heirby Recommend to the Earles of Linlithgow and Anandale and the Lord Beilhaven or any two of them to meett with and hear both parties and endeavor to setle and agree them, And in the mean time stops all procedure of the Commission for valuation of the said shyre of Angus untill the first Councill day in Aprile nixt And Recommends to the Comittie to make ther report to the Councill the said day incase they shall not answer the parties before that time.

Eodem die [13 March 1694], Post Meridiem



Committie and Stop Dun and others Commissioners for the shyre of Angus.

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their Majesties privy Councill be David Erskine of Dun John Fullertoune of Kinaber, James Scot of Logie and James Mylne of Ballweill Commissioners to the parliament for the shire of Forfar with the other heritors of the said shyre that adhere to them Shewing that quher upon a remitt of Parliament their Lordships Ordained a revaluatione to be made of the said shyre And that such of the heritors as hade qualified themselves should be valuators In obedience Wherunto the Saids heritors did meet and were about to proceed when some of the heritors who hade ther oun particular Designes did apply to the saids Lords that all the heritors within the said shyre tho not qualified before, yet qualifying themselves therafter should be received into the number of valuators The Strict reasone and drift quherof did very quickly appear for when the valuators hade appointed that all the heritors should bring in their rentalls against the meeting Ordained in October, when the day of meeting came and the valuators expected that the said rentalls should be procured, Ther appeared Eight persones pretending to be heritors But all of them at best petty fewars, And some of them not haveing above ane accre or two of Land with the burdein of a Considerable few dutie of no less then a boll per acre, and some of them who could not either read or writt, which appeared from ther Causeing the Clerk Signe the assurance for them Which persones qualifieing themselves took place as heritors and valuators, But to shew that this was but a packt Contrivance So Soon as they were admitted in stead of proceeding to receive in the rentalls, They adjourned their nixt meeting untill the second Tusday of march to the manifast frustration of the parliament and the saids Lords appointment of the said revaluatione, And Seing that the forsaid practise is not only a visible abuse and such as was at the time protested against by the said Laird of Dun But also manifastly contrare to the meaning and intention of both parliament and Councill who in no doubt never proposed that any should be valuators but substantious heritors and such as hade at least so much rent as might Capacitate them to be Commisioners of parliament and that also the forsaid delay is ane open Declaration and Scorne that in effect they designe rather to frustrat then to perfect the revaluatione ordained And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords for remeedie of such a gross and visible abuse To Declare and Ordaine in the first place that non Meet or act as valuators within the said shyre Except they have at least four hundred punds of valued rent of Estate within the shyre Discharging all others to meet or act for heirafter, And in the nixt place to ordaine the valuators thus allowed to meet peremptorly upon the forsaid second Tuesday of March, and being so mett to proceid closly and vigerously for perfecting of the said revaluatione appointing their dyets for therafter at most with a fourth nights intervall and sooner as they shall see cause But no longer on any pretext and so to attend the said work untill it be accomplished and furder Because the saids valuators doe now find a sencible prejudice in not recording of rentalls brought in in former valuationes Therfore it is furder humbly Craved that the saids Lords would appoint the rentalls now to be brought in to be Recorded by the Clerks in the books of the shyre ad futuram rej memoriam and the haill premisses with such Certificatione as the saids Lords pleased to appoint, and to declare all this to be without prejudice of the saids Lords act forsaid revaluation of the date the twentie day of June last as to all other things therincontained as the said petition bears The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered this petition given in to them be the above David Erskine John Fullertoune, James Scot and James Mylne Commissioners to the parliament for the shyre of Forfar with the other heritors of the said Shyre adhereing to them with the answers made therto by the Earles of Strathmore and Airly, The Lairds of Pewnie, Blanamoon, Phinhaven, and the other heritors of the shyre of Angus They heirby Recommend to the Earles of Linlithgow and Anandale and the Lord Beilhaven or any two of them to meett with and hear both parties and endeavor to setle and agree them, And in the mean time stops all procedure of the Commission for valuation of the said shyre of Angus untill the first Councill day in Aprile nixt And Recommends to the Comittie to make ther report to the Councill the said day incase they shall not answer the parties before that time.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 370r-371v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 370r-371v.