Procedure, 16 April 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the sixteinth day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie four



Remitt John Miller and […] Kennedy

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be John Miller merchant in Edinburgh Shewing That quher the petitioner being on saturday last the fourtein of Aprill about his necessary affairs Captain Ingles and Cornett Caunt with a partie of Dragoons came to the petitioners quarters at Ratho and betwixt the hours of ten and Eleven at night seized and the took the petitioners person and violently caried him away to the Tolbooth of the Canogate on sunday last being the fiftein Current and ther detaines him prisoner albeit he never Caried armes as is notourly knowen to the nighbours in Edinburgh who can attest the same on the petitioners accompt In Respect quherof It wes Earnestly desyred that their Lordships would either appoint the petitioner to be set at libertie or ordaine the said Captaine Inglis and Cornet Caunt and the petitioner to be heard before the saids Lords or A Comittie or Remitted to the magistrats of Edinburgh to take tryall in the said matter as the petition bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing heard this petition given in to them be the above John Miller read in their presence they heirby Remitt to the magistrats of Edinburgh to examine and take tryall of the matter aboverepresented with power to them to decyde and determine therin and also anent the pressing of […] Kennydy Liveing in the Lord Advocats closs in Edinburgh according as they shall find Just Conforme to the Lawes acts and proclamationes of privy Councill

Edinburgh the sixteinth day of Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie four


Procedure: remission

Remitt John Miller and […] Kennedy

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be John Miller merchant in Edinburgh Shewing That quher the petitioner being on saturday last the fourtein of Aprill about his necessary affairs Captain Ingles and Cornett Caunt with a partie of Dragoons came to the petitioners quarters at Ratho and betwixt the hours of ten and Eleven at night seized and the took the petitioners person and violently caried him away to the Tolbooth of the Canogate on sunday last being the fiftein Current and ther detaines him prisoner albeit he never Caried armes as is notourly knowen to the nighbours in Edinburgh who can attest the same on the petitioners accompt In Respect quherof It wes Earnestly desyred that their Lordships would either appoint the petitioner to be set at libertie or ordaine the said Captaine Inglis and Cornet Caunt and the petitioner to be heard before the saids Lords or A Comittie or Remitted to the magistrats of Edinburgh to take tryall in the said matter as the petition bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing heard this petition given in to them be the above John Miller read in their presence they heirby Remitt to the magistrats of Edinburgh to examine and take tryall of the matter aboverepresented with power to them to decyde and determine therin and also anent the pressing of […] Kennydy Liveing in the Lord Advocats closs in Edinburgh according as they shall find Just Conforme to the Lawes acts and proclamationes of privy Councill

1. NRS, PC2/24, 39v-391r.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 39v-391r.