At Edinburgh tuesday 6th November 1694
Repryve Margaret Watt
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill by poor Margaret Watt prisoner in the Tolbooth of Forfar Shewing that where the petitioner was most justlie condemned by a Commissione from the said Lords to dye at Forfar upon tuesday the eight instant for murdering of her owne Child gotten upon her by Alexander Barrie who was her master and who not only debused the said petitioner in his owne House but induced her to deny her being with child untill it was borne, and then not only refused to let her cry for help, but assisted her in the birth advysed her to stiffle it, and even burried it alyve and then to take the said petitioners solemne oathe never to reveale it which he forced her to for fear of her lyfe And which the petitioner did untill they were both condemned But the said petitioner did immediatlie therafter make ane ample confessione to the minister of Forfar as his letter produced did testifie and seeing the said petitioner is very young and very ignorant and most desyrouse to be als examplar in her repentance at her death as she hes been wicked and unnaturall in her lyfe Which she hoped in Gods mercie a few weeks repryve with the assistance of the minister of the place may very much contribute to. And therfore humbly supplicating in maner and to the effect aftermentioned as the said petitione bears The Lords of their Majesties Privy Councill haveing considered this petitione given in to them by the said Margaret Watt with the minister of Forfars letter mentioned therein and produced therwith They Hereby Repryve the said petitioner from the sentance of death pronounced against her untill the twentie two day of November exclusive and Discharges the magistrats of Forfar and all others concerned To put the said sentance to executione against her untill the said tuenty two day of November instant exclusive as said is for which this should be to all concerned a sufficient warrand sic subscribitur Tweeddale cancell Southerland Morton Lothiane Leven Forfar Breadalbane Yester Robert Sinclair J Burnet
1. NRS, PC1/50, 34-5.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 34-5.