Att Edinburgh the third day of Apryle Jaj vic nyntie four years
Repryve Witham, Midletoun, Nicolson and McLeish
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councill Having Considered the petitiones given in to them by William Witham James Midletoune William Nicolson and Alexander McLeish all under sentence of Death for high treasone and particularly For Corresponding with the rebells in the Bass Representing their severall caises in favourable termes And Craving their caises may be represented to the Kings Majestie They doe heirby Repryve the haill four forenamed persons from the sentences of death pronunced against them untill Thursday the third day of May nixt Inclusive And discharges the putting of the said sentences to executione untill the said day be elapsed And ordaines the Magistrats of Edinburgh to see the saids sentences putt to executione against the haill four persons upon the fourth day of the said month of May nixt precisely sic subscribitur Tueedale cancel: Southerland Cassills Linlithgow Tarbat Beilhaven John Lauder Robert Sinclair T: Livingstoune
1. NRS, PC1/49, 322.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 322.