Act, 5 April 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fifth Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Prestongrange

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be William Morisone of Prestongrange patron of the parish kirk of Saltpreston, Sir James Oswald of Fingletoune and other heritors of the said parish Shewing That quher by severall acts of parliament the vaccand stipends of Churches belonging to Lawick patrons are allowed to be Disposed of for pious uses within the said parishines by the saids Patrones, And that the said Church of Saltprestone has been vaccant for the cropts and years Jaj vjc nyntie two and Jaj vjc nyntie thrie And the petitioner Prestongrange undoubted patron of the said parish haveing of Consent of the heritors therof agreed and Condescended upon Lawfull pious uses within the said parish Wherupon the vaccand stipends for the saids years are to be Imployed so that necessar it is for raiseing and uplifting therof that the petitioners should have letters of horning and other dilligence direct at their oun instance or at the instance of a factor to be appointed by the said patron against the heritors lyfrentars and others Lyable in payment of the said stipends for the saids two years by past for payment of their severall proportiones to the petitioner or their said factor to be Imployed upon the pious uses forsaids And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased, In Consideratione of the premisses to grant letters of horning and other dilligence at the petitioners instance as patron or at the instance of the factor to be appointed by him against the heritors Lyfrenters and others Lyable in payment of the said two years stipend each of them for their oun parts conforme to a decreet of Localitie theranent and to allow the petitioner to nominat any fitt persone he shall think meett for receiving the said vaccand stipend to be applyed for pious uses a foresaid as the petition bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be the above William Morisone James Oswald and other heritors of the above parish They heirby allow the vaccand stipend of the above Kirk of Saltpreston for the years Jaj vjc nyntie two and nyntie thrie to be Imployed for the severall pious uses within the parish agreed and Condescended upon by the said Laird of Prestongrange patron of Consent of the heritors And Ordaines the heritors Lyfrentars wodsetters fewars and others Lyable in payment to make payment of the samen to the said Laird of Prestongrange patron forsaid or any other person whom he shall appoint to be factor for uplifting therof And Ordaines letters of horning under the signet of Councill to be direct heiron at the instance of the said patron or factor forsaid to be appointed by him Conforme to the Decreet of Localitie to be produced by them, And in case ther be non Ordaines these Lyable to make payment to the said patron or his factor of their respective proportiones of the said two years stipend according as they shall be Decered be the Judge ordinary.

Edinburgh the Fifth Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Act Prestongrange

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill be William Morisone of Prestongrange patron of the parish kirk of Saltpreston, Sir James Oswald of Fingletoune and other heritors of the said parish Shewing That quher by severall acts of parliament the vaccand stipends of Churches belonging to Lawick patrons are allowed to be Disposed of for pious uses within the said parishines by the saids Patrones, And that the said Church of Saltprestone has been vaccant for the cropts and years Jaj vjc nyntie two and Jaj vjc nyntie thrie And the petitioner Prestongrange undoubted patron of the said parish haveing of Consent of the heritors therof agreed and Condescended upon Lawfull pious uses within the said parish Wherupon the vaccand stipends for the saids years are to be Imployed so that necessar it is for raiseing and uplifting therof that the petitioners should have letters of horning and other dilligence direct at their oun instance or at the instance of a factor to be appointed by the said patron against the heritors lyfrentars and others Lyable in payment of the said stipends for the saids two years by past for payment of their severall proportiones to the petitioner or their said factor to be Imployed upon the pious uses forsaids And Therfore humbly Craveing the saids Lords would be pleased, In Consideratione of the premisses to grant letters of horning and other dilligence at the petitioners instance as patron or at the instance of the factor to be appointed by him against the heritors Lyfrenters and others Lyable in payment of the said two years stipend each of them for their oun parts conforme to a decreet of Localitie theranent and to allow the petitioner to nominat any fitt persone he shall think meett for receiving the said vaccand stipend to be applyed for pious uses a foresaid as the petition bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be the above William Morisone James Oswald and other heritors of the above parish They heirby allow the vaccand stipend of the above Kirk of Saltpreston for the years Jaj vjc nyntie two and nyntie thrie to be Imployed for the severall pious uses within the parish agreed and Condescended upon by the said Laird of Prestongrange patron of Consent of the heritors And Ordaines the heritors Lyfrentars wodsetters fewars and others Lyable in payment to make payment of the samen to the said Laird of Prestongrange patron forsaid or any other person whom he shall appoint to be factor for uplifting therof And Ordaines letters of horning under the signet of Councill to be direct heiron at the instance of the said patron or factor forsaid to be appointed by him Conforme to the Decreet of Localitie to be produced by them, And in case ther be non Ordaines these Lyable to make payment to the said patron or his factor of their respective proportiones of the said two years stipend according as they shall be Decered be the Judge ordinary.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 386r-386v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 386r-386v.