Att Edinburgh the Fourteenth day of June Jaj vic nyntie four years
Act and Intimatione anent this Current parliament
The Lords of their majesties privie Councell Considering That wher the present Current Parliament was by their Majesties Last proclamation theranent adjurned to the Fifteenth of June instant And that his Majestie being now abroad furth of his Kingdoms Hes not as yet signified his pleasure aither by sending a Commissioner for holding therof at the said day nor his royall order for adjurning the same to a further day And seing that both by the nature of the High Court of parliament and by express acts of parliament parliaments are Current uithout the necessity of ane express continuatione untill they be dissolved by their Majesties express warrand whose sole prerogative it is to dissolve as uell as to Call hold and prorogue the same Therfore the saids Lords of their Majesties privie Councell In expectation of their majesties express orders And to prevent the unnecessary trowble of the members and other good subjects who may be Concerned to repaire to the meeting of parliament Have thought fitt to ordaine Intimatione to be made That all members of Parliament be ready to meet and attend in this present Current parliament so soon as his Majesties uill and pleasure shall be signified to them for that effect and that none may pretend ignorance ordaines these presents to be printed and to be published at the mercat Cross of Edinburgh by the Lyon King att arms and his brethreen Heraulds and pursevants and at the whole mercat Crosses of the remanent head burghs of the severall shires uithin this Kingdome by macers or messengers sic subscribitur ut sederunt except the Lord Hattoun
1. NRS, PC1/49, 387.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 387.