Procedure, 1 May 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the first day of May Jaj vic nyntie four years



Lord Yester receaved a privie Councelor

The Lord Yester who by his Majesties Letter of the tuenty Eight of february Last is appointed a privie Councelor Being this day Called in did suear and signe the oath of alleadgance and signe the assurance to their Majesties appointed by Act of Parliament And the Lord Chancelor Having administrat to him the oath de fideli He uas receaved accordingly

Att Edinburgh the first day of May Jaj vic nyntie four years



Lord Yester receaved a privie Councelor

The Lord Yester who by his Majesties Letter of the tuenty Eight of february Last is appointed a privie Councelor Being this day Called in did suear and signe the oath of alleadgance and signe the assurance to their Majesties appointed by Act of Parliament And the Lord Chancelor Having administrat to him the oath de fideli He uas receaved accordingly

1. NRS, PC1/49, 363.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 363.