Att Edinburgh the tuenty fourth day of July Jaj vic and nyntie four years
Letter: royal
Letter from the King adjurning the parliament
The Follouing Letter from his Majestie to the Councell being read was ordored to be recorded wherof the tenor folloues
sic suprascribitur William Rex
Right Trustie and Right well beloved Cousin and Councelor Right trustie and Entirely beloved Cousin and Councelor Right trustie and right well beloved Cousins and Councelors Right trustie and uell beloved Cousins and Councelors Right trustie and right wel beloved Councelors Right trustie and uelbeloved Councelors And Trustie and uelbeloved Councelors We Greet yow well wheras by our Letter of the seventh of March Last we did warrant and authorize yow to adjurne our Parliament of that our ancient kingdome to the fifteenth of June nixt therafter And our affairs not requyring the meeting therof at that tyme we thought fitt by our Letter of the threttie one of may Last to authorize yow to Continou the said adjurnment to the sixth day of september nixt which Letter we understand was Lost in its passage to England And that yow not knouing our pleasure Concerning the said adjurnment through the Loss of our said Letter Did by your Act of the fourteenth of June Cause Intimation to be made That all Members of parliament should be ready to meet and attend in this our Current parliament so soon as our will and pleasure should be signified to them for that effect which act and Intimation we doe heirby Confirme and approve And doe by these presents authorize and requyre yow to Issue furth our royall proclamatione In our name and authority ordering a Continuatione of the adjurnment of our said parliament to the Tuenty fifth day of october nixt Ensuing the date of these presents and ordering all the members therof to attend that day in the usuall way and under the accustomed Certifications For doing wherof this shall be your warrand And so we bid yow heartily fareuell Given at our Camp at Rosebeck the 5th day of July old stile 1694 and of our Reigne the 6th year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur James Stevenson
1. NRS, PC1/49, 423-4.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 423-4.