Edinburgh the Twentie fifth day of December Jaj vjc nyntie four
Warrand to the magistrats of Dunbar for detaineing a murderers father prisoner.
The Lords of ther majesties privy Councill being informed that upon Committing a murder at or about Dunbar, The murderer being apprehended was Comitted prisoner within the Tolbooth of Dunbar But has since Escaped out of prison and ther is ground to suspect that the Murderers father has had accession to his escape or knowes quher he is, and will not reveall the same And that he is upon this accompt Comitted prisoner to the said Tolbooth The saids Lords doe heirby Give order and warrand to the magistrats of Edinburgh keeper of their Tolbooth to keep and detaine the murderers father prisoner therin till furder order of Councill And in the mean time Recomends to ther Majesties advocat to gett farder informatione of this matter And Report the same to the Councill that they may give furder orders theranent.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 121v-122r.
1. NRS, PC2/25, 121v-122r.