At Edinburgh. Tuesday the 9th October 1694
Repryve Helen Briggs
The Lords of their Majesties privy Council doe herby Repryve Helen Brigs presently prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh sentanced to death for Murdering her oun Child, from that sentance untill the sixtin day of october instant and discharges the Magistrates of Edinburgh to putt the said sentance to Execution untill the said day be over, And the saids Lords Declares they will give no furder repryve to the said Helen Brigs, But Herby ordaines the saids Magistrats of Edinburgh to put the said sentence of death to Execution against her precisly upon the sevintinth day of this instant in the maner contained in the sentance pronunced against the said Helen be the Lords Commissioners of Justiciary without farder delay, For which this shall be to all Concerned a sufficient warrant. sic subscribitur Tweeddale cancel: Drumlangrig, Southerland, Strathmore, Tarbat, Polwarth, Raith, Archibald Murray, Robert Sinclair
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1. NRS, PC1/50, 15-16.
0. NRS, PC1/50, 13.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 15-16.