Att Edinburgh the Fifth day of July Jaj vic nyntie four years
Recommendation to The Thesaury anent the roup of the polemoney
The Lords of their majesties privie Councell Considering That the pole money offered by the nynth act of the fourth session of this Currant parliament may be most effectuallie Levyed and raised by uay of publict Roup Doe Therfore heirby Recommend to the Lords of their Majesties Thesaury and Exchequer to make a publict Roup of the said pole money uithin the Exchequer house at Edinburgh upon the tuenty fourth day of July Instant betuixt three and five hours in the Afternoon And to adjust and make up the articles and Conditions of the said Roup To the effect they may be seen in the hands of Sir Thomas Muncreiff of that ilk one of the saids Lords their Clerks by all persons Concerned before the tyme of making the roupe
1. NRS, PC1/49, 404.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 404.