Att Edinburgh the first day of May Jaj vic nyntie four years
Warrand to The Commissioners of Lanerkshire anent the Levys of Glasgow Lanerk and Rutherglen
The Lords of their Majesties privy Councell Considering that ther being a petitione given in to them by The Magistrats and toune Counsell of2 Glasgow wherby the petitioners doe represent That seing the Commissioners and Heretors of the shire of Lanerk Doe declare that the Grounds upon which they did proceed in proportioning the third part of the present Levy of foot to the Burghs of the shire was upon the account The burghs were exeemed and did bear noe proportione of the former horse Levys They the saids petitioners are Content at this present exigent to bear this proportione upon the forsaid Consideration Least the present Levy be retarded They the saids Lords by their Delyverance of the tuenty seventh day of February Last upon the said petitione Have alloued and appointed the above Commissioners and Heretors to meet at Lanerk upon the fourteenth day of March Last And to take the petition to their Consideratione And make Just a setlement of the petitioners Just proportions as may prevent all debates in tyme Coming And to proportione the present foot Levy betuixt the burghs of Glasgow Lanerk and Rutherglen And The saids Lords being informed That albeit the day appointed for the meeting of the saids Commissioners and Heretors be already elapsed yet The saids Commissioners and Heretors Have not meet Therfor The saids Lords Doe Heirby off new allow and appoint the saids Comissioners and Heretors within the shire of Lanerk as yet to meet at Hamiltone or Glasgow In the optione of their Conveener upon the tuenty tuo day of May Instant To the effect and uith the power given to them by the said Interloquitor of the tuenty seventh day of February Last
1. NRS, PC1/49, 364.
2. The word ‘Lanerk’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 364.
2. The word ‘Lanerk’ scored out here.