Att Edinburgh the nynth day of January Jaj vic nyntie four years
Warrand for a Lybell Against persones In Orknay upon a Letter from Lapness
The Lords of their Majesties privie Councell Having heard a Letter direct to their Lordships from the Laird of Lapness steuart of Orknay Giving Account of severall disaffected persons uithin that steuartry and their deportment redd in their presence They Heirby Recommend to Sir James Steuart their Majesties Advocat to raise a Lybell before the Councell Against the Minister mentioned in the Letter And Lykewayes against Patrick Fea Leivt Lamb and the provost of Kirkwall for the Crymes mentioned in the Letter And appoyntes Sir James Ogilvie their Majesties Sollicitor to Cause transmitt the Lybell to the said steuart of Orknay whom the saids Lords appoints to see to and take Care that the same be deuly execute And appoynts the said Stewart to take sufficient security of the parties abovenamed That they shall appear before the Councell at the day to which they shall be Cited And that they shall attend all the dyetts of process And in case they refuise or shall not find Cautione Appoynts the steuart to seise their persones and make them prisoners And Cause transport them under a sufficient guaird to the nixt shyre and delyver them to the shirreff principall therof or their deputs And appoyntes them to be so transmitted from shirreff to shirreff under a Guaird untill they be brought to the Citty of Edinburgh And ordaines them to be delyvered to the magistrats of Edinburgh and by them to be Committed prisoners in their tolbooth till furder ordor of Councell And Recommends to the Lord Advocat to prepare ane Act of Councell Requyring Lapnes to take tryall whither the Magistrats of Kirkuall and the officers of the Militia in Orkney alse well burgh or Landuard be qualified in the termes of the Act of parliament by taking the oath of alleadgance and assurance And to returne Ane account to the Lords of privy Councell And Requyring Lapnes to take care of the peace That the same be preserved
1. NRS, PC1/49, 219-20.
1. NRS, PC1/49, 219-20.