Letter: royal, 11 January 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the eleventh day of January Jaj vic and nyntie four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King Anent Sir Alexander Bruce and his pairtners

The Letter underwryten direct from his Majestie to the Councell being redd was ordored to be recorded And Recommended to the Lord Advocat and sollicitor to prepare and give in their opinione in wryting to the Councell upon the poynts wheron the Councell by the Letters requyred to take their opinione and that against teusday nixt Being the dyet appoynted for their first ordinary meeting of which Letter the tenor folloues
Suprascribitur William Rex
Right Trustie and right well Beloved Cousine and Councellor Right trustie and Entirely beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right uell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right well beloved Councellors Right trustie and well beloved Councellors And Trustie and well beloved Councellors Ue Greet yow well It Hath been Represented to us by Sir Alexander Bruce In behalfe of himself and pairtners That they met uith such great difficulties in provyding oats straw and hay for our Army That the same is in dainger of becoming utterly Impracticable partly by the more then ordinary scarcity of the Forrage this year And partly by the backuardnes of the Countrey poeple to sell any And therfore Craving that according to the Act of parliament i68i Our shirreffs and Commissioners of supply may be ordored to sett pryces upon oats according to the fiars of the year And upon straw and hay acording to the Current rates of the Countrey And to take Care that the same be sold to them for ready money for making magazines for our Army And we Judging it very fitt for the good of our service and the ease and accommodatione of our Leidges and for preventing such abuses as were formerly Committed by the souldiers That our troopes be not quartered in Loose and disordorly maner up and doune the Country but that the magazines be provyded for them And being withall sensible That our dragoones are not able to pay more then fyve pence a night for their oats and straw And being therfore resolved to support and give all possible Incowradgement to the said four pence bargaine We doe ordor yow And It is our royall will and pleasure That ye Give all possible assistance and Encouradgement to the said Sir Alexander and pairtners in the same And that ye Call our Advocat and Sollicitor and requyre them to Give their Judgement in Law How farr the Authority of our shirreffs and Commissioners of supplie may be Interposed and extended in the said matter And that according to the same yow proceed therin And that yow take all due and necessary methods For making the said undertaking of provyding magazines effectuall And so we bidd yow heartily Farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the threttieth day of December i693 And of our Reigne the fifth year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur J Johnstoun

Att Edinburgh the eleventh day of January Jaj vic and nyntie four years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King Anent Sir Alexander Bruce and his pairtners

The Letter underwryten direct from his Majestie to the Councell being redd was ordored to be recorded And Recommended to the Lord Advocat and sollicitor to prepare and give in their opinione in wryting to the Councell upon the poynts wheron the Councell by the Letters requyred to take their opinione and that against teusday nixt Being the dyet appoynted for their first ordinary meeting of which Letter the tenor folloues
Suprascribitur William Rex
Right Trustie and right well Beloved Cousine and Councellor Right trustie and Entirely beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right uell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and uell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trustie and right well beloved Councellors Right trustie and well beloved Councellors And Trustie and well beloved Councellors Ue Greet yow well It Hath been Represented to us by Sir Alexander Bruce In behalfe of himself and pairtners That they met uith such great difficulties in provyding oats straw and hay for our Army That the same is in dainger of becoming utterly Impracticable partly by the more then ordinary scarcity of the Forrage this year And partly by the backuardnes of the Countrey poeple to sell any And therfore Craving that according to the Act of parliament i68i Our shirreffs and Commissioners of supply may be ordored to sett pryces upon oats according to the fiars of the year And upon straw and hay acording to the Current rates of the Countrey And to take Care that the same be sold to them for ready money for making magazines for our Army And we Judging it very fitt for the good of our service and the ease and accommodatione of our Leidges and for preventing such abuses as were formerly Committed by the souldiers That our troopes be not quartered in Loose and disordorly maner up and doune the Country but that the magazines be provyded for them And being withall sensible That our dragoones are not able to pay more then fyve pence a night for their oats and straw And being therfore resolved to support and give all possible Incowradgement to the said four pence bargaine We doe ordor yow And It is our royall will and pleasure That ye Give all possible assistance and Encouradgement to the said Sir Alexander and pairtners in the same And that ye Call our Advocat and Sollicitor and requyre them to Give their Judgement in Law How farr the Authority of our shirreffs and Commissioners of supplie may be Interposed and extended in the said matter And that according to the same yow proceed therin And that yow take all due and necessary methods For making the said undertaking of provyding magazines effectuall And so we bidd yow heartily Farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the threttieth day of December i693 And of our Reigne the fifth year By his Majesties Command sic subscribitur J Johnstoun

1. NRS, PC1/49, 222-3.

1. NRS, PC1/49, 222-3.