At Edinburgh tuesday 20 November 1694
Repryve William Carmichaell
Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of their majesties privy Councill by William Carmichaell Prisoner in the tolbooth of Edinburgh Shewing that where the petitioner being conveened before the Lords of Justiciary for killing of Archbald Printise and being guilty by ane assize He was condemned to be execute the tuentie eight day of November instant as to which the petitioner Humbly represents That it is clear by the probatione adduced against him that He was exceedinglie in drink at the tyme when the said Archbald Printise was Killed being upon the fair day of Douglass in June 1691 Lykeas the petitioner was very young at that tyme and he had noe precogitate malice against the said Archbald never haveing seen him in the face before that tyme as also He hes suffered a long imprisonment for the space of three years and a half in the tolbooth of Edinburgh as lykewayes the petitioner Hes ane wyfe and Child and his wyfe is at present big with Child And if the foresaid sentance should be put in Executione against him in all lykliehood the same will occasione the death of his poor wyfe and Chyld in her bellie and seeing that the said Lords have granted to others ane Continuatione of their Sentances Therfore Humblie Craveing That the said Lords might be gratiouslie pleased To Commiserat the said petitioners deplorable conditione and that the said Lords would change the sentance of death into Banishment never to returne to this Kingdome under the paine of death The Lords of their Majesties privy Councill haveing considered this petitione given in to them by the said William Carmichaell They Hereby Repryve the said petitioner from the sentance of death pronounced against him untill the fyfteen day of June next to come inclusive and Discharges the magistrats of Edinburgh and all others To put the said sentance to executione against the said petitioner untill the said day for which this shall be to all concerned a sufficient warrant sic subscribitur Tweeddale cancel E Southerland J Morton Annandale Forfar Broadalbane Murray Tarbatt Yester Carmichaell Archibald Murray John Hall
1. NRS, PC1/50, 50-1.
1. NRS, PC1/50, 50-1.