Order, 5 April 1694, Edinburgh

Act, 27 December 1694, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Fifth Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Anent Sir Donald Mcdonald of Sclaite and others

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be Sir Donald Mcdonald of Sclait Rodrick McCleod of Dunvegen Lachlan Mcfingow of Strathordale Malcome McCleod of Rathsey Rorie Mcneill of Barra Shewing That quheras by the printed instructione emitted by the saids Lords to the Commissioners of Supply within the severall shires of the kingdome anent the new Levies ther within the shyre of Innverness were ordained to have their proportione of Levies in readieness at the head burgh therof upon the first day of march last and the petitioner tho within the said shyre, yet liveing in Island so remote from the head burgh therof that most part of the time allowed for makeing the said Levies was elapsed before any intimatione therof Could come to the petitioner It was not possible for them to send their proportion of the saids Levies to the head burgh of the shyre against the said day by reasone of the great distance therof from the places of the petitioners residence And the necessitie of Crossing seas in that seasone And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords To appoint a new dyet for the petitioners delivering their proportione of Levies to any officer of his majesties forces the saids Lords should appoint to receive the same within such Competent time as the saids Lords should think fitt as the petitione bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be the above Donald McDonald of Sclait and others above Designed They heirby assigne the Eight day of may nixt to the petitioners to deliver in their proportione of the Levies at Stirling to the Comanding officer ther for the time being under the paine of being furder Lyable to a double penalty for not sending the deficients besides what is allready contained in the proclamationes and instructiones of Councill published theranent.

Edinburgh the Fifth Aprill Jaj vjc nyntie four years



Anent Sir Donald Mcdonald of Sclaite and others

Anent a Petition given in to the Lords of ther Majesties privy Councill be Sir Donald Mcdonald of Sclait Rodrick McCleod of Dunvegen Lachlan Mcfingow of Strathordale Malcome McCleod of Rathsey Rorie Mcneill of Barra Shewing That quheras by the printed instructione emitted by the saids Lords to the Commissioners of Supply within the severall shires of the kingdome anent the new Levies ther within the shyre of Innverness were ordained to have their proportione of Levies in readieness at the head burgh therof upon the first day of march last and the petitioner tho within the said shyre, yet liveing in Island so remote from the head burgh therof that most part of the time allowed for makeing the said Levies was elapsed before any intimatione therof Could come to the petitioner It was not possible for them to send their proportion of the saids Levies to the head burgh of the shyre against the said day by reasone of the great distance therof from the places of the petitioners residence And the necessitie of Crossing seas in that seasone And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords To appoint a new dyet for the petitioners delivering their proportione of Levies to any officer of his majesties forces the saids Lords should appoint to receive the same within such Competent time as the saids Lords should think fitt as the petitione bears The Lords of their majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them be the above Donald McDonald of Sclait and others above Designed They heirby assigne the Eight day of may nixt to the petitioners to deliver in their proportione of the Levies at Stirling to the Comanding officer ther for the time being under the paine of being furder Lyable to a double penalty for not sending the deficients besides what is allready contained in the proclamationes and instructiones of Councill published theranent.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 384r-384v.

1. NRS, PC2/24, 384r-384v.