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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Letter: royal, 19 July 1694, Edinburgh
2 January 1694
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to Call or try for Cornets Hay and Ramsay upon Killsyths petitione
Act: Liberatione The Lady Lockhart
Warrant: Warrand for receaving the oaths taken by the Baillie Depute of Atholl his procurator fiscall and Clark
4 January 1694
Letter: from the Council: Letter to the sherrif Clerks anent Commissioners of Supply dead or not qualified
Commission by the Council: Commissione for Additionall Commissioners of Supply in Haddingtouneshyre
Act: Act for fyning such as come In after the houre to the Councell
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating Kilsyth and Confynes him to his Lodging
9 January 1694
Warrant: Warrand for Bwqwuhan and Panholls to speak uith James Pattoune closs prisoner
Warrant: Warrand for a Lybell Against persones In Orknay upon a Letter from Lapness
Procedure: committee formed: Committie upon a Letter from the secretary Anent Mr Calders process
Act: Act for liberating The Viscount of Oxfoord and Confyning him to his oune house
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Park and Wright from Paslay to Edinburgh
11 January 1694
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent Sir Alexander Bruce and his pairtners
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Anent the Highland Commission and Commission for plantatione of Kirks
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Advocat to prepare a proclamatione theron
Commission by the Council: Additionall Commissioners for plantatione of kirks
Procedure: Remitt to the Thesaury anent the subcollectors of the hearth money
Procedure: Remitt to the Advocat anent Sir Alexander Bruce and pairtners
Act: Act The Earl of Southesque
16 January 1694
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Advocat to examine James Patoune and continoues his transportatione
Act: [Banishment William Aird]
18 January 1694
Procedure: List of the Commissioners of Supply in Haddingtoune absent from their meeting
Procedure: Approbatione of the Lord Chancellor his causing sease John Linlithgow
Order: Ordor for delyvering John Corsane and James Allan to the Earle of Leven
19 January 1694
Act: Act The merchants of Montross
23 January 1694
Warrant: Warrand to Sir Gilbert Eliot to delyver to John Linlithgow his papers
Act: Liberatione Sir William Bruce
Act: Liberatione Malcolme of Balbedie
Act: Act Uilliam Uallace messenger
25 January 1694
Act: Liberatione Leivt Collonell George Winrhame
Act: Protectione To Raite of Halgreen
Order: Recommendatione to The Thesaury to advance 100lb Sterline to Sir Thomas Livingstouns regiment
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Serjant Park
Warrant: Warrand to Sir Thomas Livingstoune to beat drums for Levying tuo troopes of dragoones
Warrant: Warrand for changing Peter Bells Confynment from Paslay to Glasgow
26 January 1694
Act: Act discharging persones to goe to England or Ireland uithout passes
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councell to the King Anent persones Imprisoned Confyned for refusing the oaths
Order: Recommendatione to the Lord Advocat Anent persones Imprisoned
Order: Ordor to Lapness Anent the Magistrats and officers of the militia in Kirkuall
1 February 1694
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent Recruites etc
Warrant: Warrand for processing Trottar and others for High treasone
Proclamation: proclamatione For Apprehending Fergus Templetoune
Act: Act In favours of William Uilliam Drummond messenger
Procedure: Remitt to The Lord Lyon anent messengers not qualified
6 February 1694
Procedure: Remitt to the Thesaury for furnishing a shipp Against the Bass
8 February 1694
Act: Protectione to the Councell posts
Act: Act ordaining Mr William Livingstoune of Kilsyth to enter prisoner in the Castle of Stirline
Procedure: Approbatione of the Advocats Imprisoning Archibald Cheislie
Warrant: Warrand for detaining Richard Puline in prisone
Order: Instructiones from the Councell to the Commissioners of Supply Anent the New Levys and other ordors of Councell anent the same
9 February 1694
Warrant: Uarrand to the Lord Advocat for dismissing Mistress Emeltoune
Warrant: Warrand to wryte to France Anent the Countess of Erroll
13 February 1694
Warrant: Warrand for Intering of the Earl of Dundonalds son in the Abbay
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to Cause secure James Watt
Orders: [Gilbert Mcgie to remain prisoner in Canongate tolbooth]
Order: Recomendation to the Advocat to administrat the oaths to Balbedie
Procedure: Letters of publication of the Commissione for the peace of the Highlands
15 February 1694
Act: Act Taking off Mr Walter Colvills Confynment
Warrant: Warrand for outreiking a third boat against the Bass
Act: Act Alexander Kello
Warrant: Warrand To The Earle of Wigtoun to wryte to France
20 February 1694
Act: Act Mr John Duncan to treat with the Rebells in the Bass
Act: Act In favoures of James Mylne and other merchants in Montross
Act: Act declaring who are meant by deserters in the Instructions from the Councill to the Comissioners of Supply anent the new Levys
Warrant: Warrand for Kennedy of Clockburn to wryte to France
Act: Repryve John Eliot
Act: Act In favoures of The Toune of Dysert
22 February 1694
Commission by the Council: Commissione of Justiciary for trying Janets Stevensons and Cairns
Act: Protectione Captaine Home
Order: Recommendatione to The Thesaury to advance 1000lb sterline to the Kings troop of Guairds
Act: prorogatione of The Lord Oxfoords Confynment
27 February 1694
Act: Act James Clerk
Procedure: [Earl of Cassilis received Privy Councillor]
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Caddell and tuo seamen from Dundie
Act: Act David Robertsone
Act: Liberation Paterson tailzeor
Act: Act Mr John Murray anent his Cautionry for Lues Hay
Act: Liberation James Emeltoune
Commission by the Council: Commission for additionall Commissioners in the shyre of Roxburgh
Commission by the Council: Commission for additionall Commissioners in the shyre of Kinross
Commission by the Council: Commission for additional Commissioners in the shyre of Linlithgow
Commission by the Council: Commission for Additionall Commissioners in the shyre of Fyfe
Commission by the Council: Commission for additionall Commissioners in the shyre of Selkirk
Commission by the Council: Commission for Additionall Commissioners in the shire of Peebls
Commission by the Council: Commission for Additional Commissioners in the shire of Dumbrittaine
Commission by the Council: Commission for Additionall Commissioners for the shyre of Stirling
Commission by the Council: Commission for Additionall Commissioners for the shyre of Edinburgh
Act: Act Discharging Boats barks or vessells from going to the Bass or furnishing supplies therto printed
Commission by the Council: Commission Captain Eduard Burd
1 March 1694
Act: Continuatione of The Viscount of Oxfoord Sir William Bruce and Leivt Collonell Windrhams Confynments
Act: Act James Paton
7 March 1694
Procedure: committee formed: Committie and ordors anent the Levyes in the shire of Air
Act: Repryve John Eliot
8 March 1694
Order: Act Liberating Jean Inch Janet Johnstoune Marion Logan and Agnas Dicksone
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for raising tuo regiments of foot and ane of dragoons
Act: Act of Liberation Robert Cuninghame
Act: Act Wedderburn of Blackness
Act: Act of Liberation Euphan Colstaine
Procedure: committee formed: Committie in the Country for pressed men
Procedure: Recomendation To tuo privy Councelers to view the new Levys in the severall shyres
9 March 1694
Order: Recomendation To Sir Thomas Livingstoun to ship the recruits
12 March 1694
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill for adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: proclamation for adjurning the parliament
Order: prorogation of the day for sending in deficient men frae the shire of Air
13 March 1694
Proclamation: proclamation for Delyvering the men in the shyres aftermentioned
Commission by the Council: Commissione Anent Cunynghame of Craigends
Act: Liberation and Confynment The Earl of Home
13 March 1694 (pm)
Act: Reprive Alexander McLeish
Act: Liberation Edmonstoune of Ednum
Commission by the Council: Commission Craufurd of Drumsuie Anent Irish victuall
Proclamation: proclamation against The Importing of victualls or Catle from Ireland
Proclamation: Proclamatione Anent the horses and arms as such as refuse the oaths
14 March 1694
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoun to visite the Island of the Bass
Order: Recommendation To the Lord Chancellor to give warrands to the relations sentenced upon account of the Bass to goe into the Isle of the Bass
Order: ordor to pay 30ss sterling for each one of the recruits
19 March 1694
Warrant: Warrand for transporting John Trotter to Castletoun to be executed there
Warrant: Warrand for a proces of Treason Against Androw Caddell
20 March 1694
Order: ordor for Levying tuo regiments of Foot and one of Dragoons
Letter: from the Council: Letter from The Lord Chancelor To the Lord secretary Anent Leivt Broune
Order: Recomendation to the Thesaury In Favoures of Craufurd of Drumsuie
Act: Act For treating uith the rebells in the Bass
30 March 1694
Order: Recommendation to The Thesaury to furnish another ship against the Bass
Procedure: Approbation of the Lord Advocats Liberating Leivt Broune
Commission by the Council: Commission Captain Bosuell against The Bass
Warrant: Warrand for Captain Burds giving orders to Captain Bosuell
Order: Recommendation to The Thesaury for a fyre ship against The Bass
3 April 1694
Act: Repryve Witham, Midletoun, Nicolson and McLeish
Decreet: Decreit His Majesties Advocat Against Mcclauchlane
Letter: royal: Letter from the King In favoures of The Lord Justice Clerk.
Warrant: Warrand for registrating Alexander Taits bond
4 April 1694
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Naming The Lord Yester a privy Councelor
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Adding Sir John Hall to the privie Councill
Proclamation: proclamation against Deserters frae the regiments going to Flanders
Act: Alteration of Mcclauchlans sentence
Act: Act Peter Balvaird
Acts: Act for securing Leivt Aikenhead
Act: Act The Viscount of Oxfoord
Acts: Act Sir William Bruce
Act: Act The Earle of Home
Act: Act Leivt Collonell Winrhame
Act: Act Androw Edmonstoun of Ednem
Act: Act Sir John Murray of Drumcairne
Acts: Act Sir George Seatoun of Gairletoune
Act: Act The Laird of Gairletoune
Acts: Act Captain Maitland
Warrant: Warrand for Committing Leivt Broune
5 April 1694
Order: [Leivtenant Collonel Steuart imprisoned]
Act: Act Robert Fyfe
Act: Act appointing a new day for the Commissioners for the peace of the highlands to meet
Acts: Act Colline Mckenzie uncle to the Earle of Seaforth
Warrant: Warrand To Transport Steuart of Appine to Edinburgh
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to wryte to shirreffs anent the defecient Levys
Order: Recommendation To prosecute John Mcclauchlane
Letter: royal: Letter from The Councill to the King Anent shipps put out against the Bass
Act: Act Grant of Balnatome
9 April 1694
Warrant: Warrand for Liberating Leivt Broune
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to wryte to Ane Admirall in the uest
16 April 1694
Procedure: Sir John Hall receaved a privy Councelor
Act: Act for Carrying the sheep or Coues from the May
Procedure: Approbation of The Lord Advocats Imprisoning Alexander Tait
Commission by the Council: Commission Captain Adams against the Bass
Procedure: committee formed: Committee anent a Rable in Edinburgh
Order: order Anent proclamation for seising horses and armes
18 April 1694
Commission by the Council: Commission Major Reid to treat uith the rebells in the Bass
18 April 1694 (pm)
Order: Articles and Instructions to Major Reid Anent Surrender of the Bass
Procedure: committee formed: Committie for Considering the List of persons in the second article of Instructions anent the surrender of the Bass
20 April 1694
Warrant: Warrand for bringing horses from Ireland to the Lord Carmichaels regiment
Order: Anent the Bass for the surrendering therof
Order: List of persons who are to have the benefite of the Capitulation uith these in the Bass
Act: Liberatione Alexander Steuart
24 April 1694
Letter: royal: Letter for Admitting The Lord Murray to be a privy Councelor
Act: Liberatione George Olyphant
Warrant: Warrand to hyre a ship for transporting the rebells that were in the Bass
Act: Act Discharging Circuit Courts for this year 1694
Act: Act Charging such as have putt out In sufficient men to putt out sufficient ones in their place
1 May 1694
Procedure: Lord Yester receaved a privie Councelor
Order: Order to Michaell Midletoun to be ready to be transported uith others uith him to France
Warrant: Warrand to The Commissioners of Lanerkshire anent the Levys of Glasgow Lanerk and Rutherglen
Order: Recommendatione To The Lord Chancelor Anent The Earle of Marshall
Order: Recommendatione to The Lord Advocat to speak with Sir Thomas Livingstoun Anent deficient men In Lanerkshire
Order: Recommendation to The Lord Advocat anent Oseburn skipper
Procedure: [Address received from general assembly]
2 May 1694
Act: Liberatione Seatoune of Gairletoune
Act: Liberatione Mr Thomas Gordoune
Proclamation: Proclamation for a solemn nationall fast
Procedure: patent Lord John Hamilton To be Generall of the Mint
Procedure: Committie to administrat the oath of alleadgance and assurance to the said Lord John Hamilton
Warrant: Warrand To The shiref deput of Lanerk and Baillie deput of the regality of Glasgow to Continow in their offices
Orders: Recommendation To Sir Thomas Burnet to administrat the oaths to the Earle of Strathmore
Act: Act Alexander Taite for open prisone
Warrant: Warrand to Imprison skipper Oseburn
2 May 1694 (pm)
Warrant: Warrand for Giving up Ensigne Dumbars bond
Warrant: [Warrant grating a leather manufactory]
3 May 1694
Act: Act Anent some deficient men of Buckcleughs Lands In Drumfries or Roxburghshire
10 May 1694
Letter: royal: Letter from the King for demolishing the Bass
Order: Recommendation To Sir Thomas Livingstoun to Cause demolish the Bass
Act: Liberatione Ballenden and Kilsyth
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Chancelor to signe a pass to the Bass men
Warrant: Warrand for particular Indemnities to these that were in the Bass
7 June 1694
Procedure: Oath of alleadgance and assurance by the Duke of Lenox and Richmond
Commission by the Council: Commission Sir Charles Kerr
Act: Act Lord Ballenden and Kilsyth
Order: Captains Lothian and Bell Committed prisoners
Act: Liberatione Benjamine Midletoune
Act: Apines Libertie Continoued
Order: Recommendation to Sir Thomas Livingstoun to Give assistance to the Generall Receaver in executing Letters
12 June 1694
Act: Act of Banishment Captain and John Lothian
14 June 1694
Act: Act Murray of Drumcairn
Act: Liberation Alexander Taite
Act: Act anent Deficient in Insufficient men in the present Levys
Act: Act and Intimatione anent this Current parliament
19 June 1694
Procedure: Remitt to the parliament and Recommendation to The Thesaury Anent deficient men betuixt Roxburgh Selkirk and Drumfreis
Act: Liberatione William Clerk and John Allisone
Order: Recommendation to the Lord Chancelor and Advocat anent privateers in Orkney
Warrant: Warrand for Giving up the wrytes brought from Creiff
Procedure: committee formed: [Committee about ministerial dispute in Old Aberdeen]
Procedure: Anent the Current parliament
21 June 1694
Act: Act Mr William Gray advocat
Act: Liberation The Viscount of Frendraught
Act: Liberation William Cuthbertsone and WilliamJack
Order: Anent the Earle of Abboyne and his brother
26 June 1694
Order: Recommendation to The Lord Chancelor to wryte to the Earle of Home allowing him to attend the Lady Murrays buriall
Order: order to Imprisone Steuart of Appine
28 June 1694
Act: Act Sir William Bruce
Act: Act The Countess of Seaforth
Order: Anent Steuart of Appine
3 July 1694
Act: Liberation Steuart of Appine
Act: Liberation John Mcclauchlane
Act: Act Patrick Coutts and his pairtners
Procedure: Anent the pole money
5 July 1694
Act: Act Nicolas Dupine
Act: Act The Kirk session of Stirling Against The magistrats therof
Order: Recommendation to The Thesaury anent the roup of the polemoney
6 July 1694
Proclamation: proclamation Anent the polemoney
10 July 1694
Warrant: Warrand For Intering the Corps of the daughter of the Earle of Drumlangrig in the abbay
Procedure: Anent the Hearth money
12 July 1694
Act: Act Glaidstanes of that ilk
Act: Act William Davidson wryter
Proclamation: proclamation for rouping the rests of the hearth money
17 July 1694
Act: Act Androw Broune
Decreet: Certification The Kings Advocat Against Kininmounth
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adding the Earle of Morton to the privie Councell
19 July 1694
Warrant: Warrand To The Kings Advocat for processing Corresponders uith King James
24 July 1694
Decreet: Decreit His majesties advocat against provost Kirkuall and others
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adjurning the parliament
Proclamation: proclamation adjurning the parliament
Procedure: Approbation of The lord Advocats Imprisoning William Rutherfoord
26 July 1694
Decreet: Interloquitor The presbytrie of Stirling Against The magistrats therof
27 July 1694
Warrant: Warrand For giving up the Earle of Arrans bond
31 July 1694
Proclamation: proclamation for Bringing in the accompts resting by the forces to the Countrey
Act: Act Anthony Buchan
2 August 1694
Proclamation: proclamation for putting former acts and proclamations anent Beggars in executione
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Anent Beggars and highwayes
2 August 1694 (pm)
Proclamation: Proclamation for making up deficient men in the Last Levys
Proclamation: Proclamation for the more easie stating and Inbringing of the pole money and for bringing in Lists of what is payed of the hearth money
Commission by the Council: Commission for additionall Commissioners in the shire of Stirling
Commission by the Council: Commission for additionall Commissioners in the shire of Kincairdin
Commission by the Council: Commission for Additionall Commissioners in the steuartry of Orkney and Zetland
3 August 1694
Order: Recomendation for securing the sea coasts against privateers
7 August 1694
Order: [Recommendation concerning quartering of forces]
4 September 1694
Order: Anent the Earle of Aboyn, his Governor and Tuo Servants
Act: Act Lord Justice Clerk To Deliver to the Lord Advocat some papers anent Sir Æneas Mcpherson
Act: Approbatione of the Lord Justice Clerk Imprisonment of John McDonald, And Act for his banishment
Order: Recomendatione to Lord Advocat for insisting against Byres of Coats
5 September 1694
Order: Recomendation To Sir Thomas Livingstone To send a Troop of Dragoons To Stranrawer to quarter ther
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Advocat to persue Sir Æneas Mcpherson befor the Justice Court, And recomendatione to the Thesurie for Alliment to him.
Order: Anent the Earl of Aboyns Governor and servants
Warrant: Warrand for apprehending the provost and Baillies of Stirlin
Order: Orders to Deliver John Whyte to Captain Hay.
Procedure: Approbatione Lord Justice Clerks Imprisoning of Sympsone and Comittie
Warrant: Warrand for Imprisoning the Earle of Aboyne in the Castle of Stirlin
Warrant: Warrand for bringing the Prisoners seised in a french privateer from Stranraer to Edinburgh.
6 September 1694
Act: Act anent Illegall ministers and Church Disorders upon the Committee of the Generall Assemblies Representation
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Advocat anent Preist Witheringhame and others.
6 September 1694 (pm)
Act: [Deprivation Charles Kay minister at South Leith]
Proclamation: A proclamation for bringing in the Lists and determining Debates about the Polemoney
Act: Act Daniell Simpson for Mr John Wilson
9 October 1694
Commission by the Council: Robert Currie admitted Macer
Act: Repryve Helen Briggs
Order: Order to Publish the Act of Parliament Against Murdderers of Children
Act: Liberation Earle of Aboyne.
Act: Liberation, Marr and Fordyce.
Act: Petition and Act anent Provost Dick and others in Stirlin
Act: Protection Rait of Halgreen
Procedure: Additional Commissioners Anent the peace of the Highlands
Order: Recomendation to the Theasaury, anent sixtie Thrie Discharged souldiers.
Proclamation: Proclamation Discharging persons to be brought from the Netherlands without passes.
11 October 1694
Order: Recomendation To shipe six seamen taken for a french privateir at Stranrawer.
Warrant: Warrand for processing John Mcdonald befor the Justices.
Decreet: Decreet Certification and absolvitur Lord Advocat Against Sinclair and others
Act: Act and Intimation anent this currant parliament
Act: Act of banishment Daveill and Seatone tuo Preists
Act: Act Alexander Strachane
Commission by the Council: Commissione of Justiciary for trying Margaret Watt and Alexander Barrie
30 October 1694
letter: to the Council: Letter from the King for Adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione Adjourneing the parliament
Act: Protection Gairden of Ballamoir
Order: Continuatione of the Earl of Aboyne Confynement
Order: Recomendatione John McDonald To the Thesaurie
Act: Act Mr Collin Mckenzie
Procedure: Approbatione of the Lord Advocat causeing ship Seatone and Darville in order to their Banishment.
Warrant: Warrand for continuing the Solemnity of his Majesties birth till the 5th of this moneth
6 November 1694
Act: Repryve Margaret Watt
Order: Recomendation To the Lord Advocat to wryt To the Magistrats of Stirling anent Prisoners comitted by the Commissioners for the peace of the Highlands
Procedure: committee formed: Comittee anent Noble men finding Cautione before the Comissioners for the peace of the Highlands
8 November 1694
Procedure: Earle of Drumlangrig and Lord Ross go to London
Acts: Act The Viscount Stormont
Act: Act Murray of Drumcairn
Act: Act Sir William Bruce
Act: Act Mr Thomas Deans for a roap manufactory
10 November 1694
Procedure: Annent quartering the Forces
13 November 1694
Warrant: Warrand for Mr Colline McKenzie to visit Earl of Seaforth in the Castle of Edinburgh
Act: Act for interring the Philiphaughs Corps in the Abbay Church
Act: Repryve and Comittee Margaret Wat
Act: Act Forbes and Fordyce
15 November 1694
Proclamation: Proclamatione for a Solemn thanksgiving
16 November 1694
Proclamation: Proclamatione anent pole-money and bringing in the accompts payable furth thereof
20 November 1694
Act: Repryve William Carmichaell
27 November 1694
Act: Act anent bonds to be given before the Commissioners for settling the peace of the Highlands
Act: Repryve Andersone and Lawsone
29 November 1694
Act: Act anent The Indemnity 1691 as to Robberies
Act: Protectione Garden of Ballamoir
Act: Act Mr Collin McKenzie
Act: Act Earle of Annandale to be president of Councill
4 December 1694
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King for adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: : Proclamatione for adjourning the parliament
Act: : Protectione Raitt of Halgreen
Act: : Act Earle of Home
Act: : Act Sir Æneas Mcphersone
6 December 1694
Act: : Act Scot of Scotstarbitt
Order: : Recomendation To the Lord Advocat anent a man pressed at Ferniepartoncraigs
Order: : Recomendatione two Serjants To the Lords of the Thesaury
Order: : Recomendatione To their majesties Advocat To proces George Monro
Act: : Act and Comittie anent the mint
Act: : Act Lord John Hamilton
Commission by the Council: : Commissione of Justiciary for trying of Ogilvie and her husband of murder
11 December 1694
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King anent the duke of Gordone
Act: : Act The Duke of Gordon
Order: : Ordor to transport Byres of Coats
Act: : Protectione Garden of Ballamoir
Warrant: : Warrand To delyver the prisoners from Stranrawer to Leiut Colonell Bruce
13 December 1694
Procedure: : Anent a Comissione for takeing the Earl of Melforts oath in France
Act: : Act Ensigne Murray
Act: : Act for poynding the deficients in the Levie
Procedure: : New dyet of meeting appoynted by Comissioners for visitatione of Schools and Colledges.
Act: : Act William Linlithgow Nottar
17 December 1694
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King anent Recruits
letter: to the council: : Another letter from the King anent recruits
Procedure: : [Lord Advocat to prepare proclamation anent recruits]
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King anent the generall affairs of the Councill
Procedure: : [Delivery of Letters]
Procedure: : [Committee anent the mint]
18 December 1694
Proclamation: : Proclamatione anent Recruits and Desertors
Act: : Protectione Gardine of Bellamoir
20 December 1694
Letter: royal: : Letter to the King anent Balhousies accounts
25 December 1694
Letter: royal: : Letter from the King anent recruits of Dragoons
Procedure: : [Procedure anent letter]
Act: : Liberatione Mr Robert Wilsone
Act: : Act Appoynting the Dean of Gild of Edinburgh to make ponds
Commission by the Council: : Commissione to Lapnes for searching a ship with armes
27 December 1694
Order: : Recomendatione for some maimd Souldiers
2 January 1694
Act: Act anent printing the Irish psalmes
Act: Liberatione James of Auchlinbart
4 January 1694
Decreet: Decreet Hoge Against The Baillies of Faulkland
9 January 1694
Act: Act Mr Thomas Douglas and Weightmen his assigney
11 January 1694
Decreet: Decreet The Lady Cramond against Mr Thomas Blackwall
16 January 1694
Act: Act Anent the poor in the west kirk parish
Act: Act and Remitt The Master and ouners of the ship called the Peace.
Act: Act Mr John Bining for printing some books.
23 January 1694
Order: Recomendatione to the thesaurie Mr Alexander Pitcairne
25 January 1694
Act: Act For receiveing James Currie Cautioner of Bruce of Newtoune
Act: Act John Moor provest of Air
Procedure: Remitt Mr Thomas Forrester Against The parishioners of St Androwes.
Act: Act The Commissioners for revaluatione of the shyre of Fyfe
Act: Act Mr Alexander Alexander anent the repairing the kirk and kirkyeard dykes of Glass
Decreet: Decreet James Stewart Against Mr John Chrightone
1 February 1694
Act: Act Mr James Gordon for the steipend of Foveraine.
Act: Act and Remitt Mathew Forsyth and his Spouse
Act: Act William Weight in Mid-Line
6 February 1694
Act: Act Mr Samuell Mowat
8 February 1694
Act: Act Earl of Southesk anent the Countes of Errolls papers.
Warrant: Warrand for Continueing James Howat prisoner
Act: Act anent the new Levies in Forfar Shyre.
9 February 1694
Act: Act The Laird of Grant anent the new Levies
13 February 1694
Warrant: Warrand for detaineing John and William and James Hamiltons prisoners in the Tolbooth
15 February 1694
Act: Act Captain Kinersbie
Act: Act The Countes of Rothes and Laird of Grant
Act: Act The toune of Glasgow
Act: Act Stewart of Bigtoun
Procedure: Remit Gracie Against Brown
Act: Act Richard Pulline
Order: Recomendation to the Lords of thesaurie William Beattie
20 February 1694
Act: Act Mr Thomas Blaikwall
Act: Act Mr William Crafurd
Act: Act Patrick Smith of Methven
Decreet: Decreet Howat Against Howat her husband
22 February 1694
Decreet: Decreet Urquhart Against Slowan her husband
Warrant: Warrand for Captains Home and Bruce to attend ther Companies
Order: Recomendatione to the thesaurie anent Mistress Pringles Childrein
27 February 1694
Act: Act The Earle of Anandale for the stipend of Moffat
Order: Recomendatione to the Thesaurie Weir of Kirkfeild
Act: Act The magistrats and toune Councill of Glasgow.
Act: Act Elizabeth Douglas
Act: Act The Duke of Hamiltone
Act: Act Baillie of Jariswood.
1 March 1694
Procedure: Protestation for not insisting Veitch Against Edmunstoune
Act: Act the Laird and Lady of Drum
Act: Act and Remitt James Bain Wright
8 March 1694
Judicial Proceeding: Extract Dipositiones anent The Laird and Lady Dum
Act: Act The Synod of Argyll for printing the Irish psalmes
Act: Act The officers and servants of the Customhouse at Leith.
Procedure: Remitt to the Lord Advocat anent Malcome Hendersone his Spouse and others
8 March 1694 (pm)
Procedure: Remitt to Sir Robert Sinclar anent the Marques of Douglas tennants
Act: Act Duncan Forbes of Culloden and the other Commissioners of Supply within the Shyre of Inverness
Act: Act James Dumbars elder and younger
Judicial Proceeding: [James Dewar, merchant in Pearth]
9 March 1694
Warrant: Warrand for citeing the Laird of Cornwall.
13 March 1694
Act: Act The heritors of Badenoche
Act: Act The heritors of the paroch of Migle:
Act: Act Cochran and Eglisham
13 March 1694 (pm)
Order: Committie and Stop Dun and others Commissioners for the shyre of Angus.
Decreet: Decreet Earl of Callander and his Tutor Against The Countess therof
Order: [Issobell Tyrie, Lady Glasscloon]
Act: Act The lady Monktoune
Act: Act Bosswell of Ballmutto
Act: Act Richard Pulline
Act: Act Sir Francis Kinloch
Warrant: Warrand for delivering Archibald Hodge to the magistrats of Edinburgh
Act: Act Lundie of Drums for his daughter and Cheldrein
Act: Act Anent the vaccand Stipend of Leckropt
14 March 1694
Order: Order for affixing a Gibbet or Gallowes at Castltoune.
19 March 1694
Procedure: Approbation of the Comittment of Livt Brown.
20 March 1694
Act: Act Duncan Ronald and Wilkie
30 March 1694
Act: Act The baillies of Portsburgh anent Souldiers.
3 April 1694
Act: Act Troyalous Baillie
5 April 1694
Order: Anent Sir Donald Mcdonald of Sclaite and others
Act: Act The Countes of Seaforth.
Order: Recomendation James Macbrea
Act: Act Prestongrange
Act: Act Mr John Arthur
Act: Act Mr Hew Dalrymple for delivering some wrytes of the Countes of Errolls.
9 April 1694
Act: Act Livt Coll Shipie Hill anent 4 dragoons
Act: Act of Liberation John Watsone
Order: Recomendatione to the thesaurie Mr William Erskine
Order: Recomendation to Sir Thomas Liveingston for shiping a man in place of John Watson
Act: Act Continuieing the Baillies of Old Aberdeen.
16 April 1694
Procedure: Remitt John Miller and [...] Kennedy
Order: Recomendation to the Lord Advocat to wryt to the Regents of Aberdeen
Order: Recomendatione anent John Ferrier
18 April 1694
Warrant: Warrand for Delivering Thomas Joyner To Captain Ross.
20 April 1694
Order: Act and order Robert McLauchlan of Lidernaw
1 May 1694
Decreet: Decreet of Certificatione Weir qra Steill
2 May 1694
Decreet: Decreet Margrat Grahame contra Robert and William Greir
Order: Recomendation to The Lords of thesaurie In favors of Sir James Ramsay
3 May 1694
Act: Act The heritors and parishioners of Eglishmachan.
Act: Act Coll Mckay anent deficient men.
10 May 1694
Act: Act The masters of the boats who put aboard the levies and recruites.
Order: Order anent the ship called The Fortune and Recomendation to the Lord Advocat
Warrant: Warrand for arreisting of Ralph Rhodam
7 June 1694
Act: Act Thomas Fullertoune
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Blaikwood and others Against Forsyth and his Spouse.
14 June 1694
Act: Act Mr James Young writer
19 June 1694
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Kaitloch against Maitland etc
21 June 1694
Act: Act Geddes of Kirkurd for a vaccand stipend.
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Murray anent a souldier
Act: Act Anent the skiners of Edinburgh and Whitfeild Hayter
26 June 1694
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor Maxuell of Carss Against Marion Kennan
28 June 1694
Act: Act In Favors of the shire of Edinburgh
Act: Act Mr John Watsone for the stipend of Whitinghame
Act: Act Margrat Forbes for a stipend
5 July 1694
Procedure: Anent the Roup of the Polemoney
Act: Act For a Collectione to build a bridge at Neither Queech
6 July 1694
Warrant: Warrand renewed to the Commissioners and heritors of Lanerk shyre to meet and proportione Levies.
10 July 1694
Procedure: remission: Remit Brownes and Elphingstoun Against Bonjedburgh
12 July 1694
Decreet: Decreit The Presbytrie of Kirkaldie Against The Heritors of Saline kirk.
13 July 1694
Procedure: report: Report of the Comittie anent suficiant and insuficiant men and interloquitor theron anent the Viscount of Strathallan and others.
Decreet: Certificatione Strathmore his tennents Against Irones
17 July 1694
Act: Act Mr John McCulloch for a stipend.
19 July 1694
Order: Sist executione Innes of Auchlinbart against The Lady therof.
Letter: royal: Letters of Publicatione In Favors of Thomas Weir Chirurgeon in Edinburgh
Act: Act Alexander Lamb.
Decreet: Suspension: Countes of Callender against The Earle Refused
Act: Aditionall Act anent a Contrabutione for a bridge at Queich.
24 July 1694
Decreet: Decreet of Suspension: Ladie Lethentie Against The Lady Glascloon
31 July 1694
Decreet: Decreet Thomas Stodhart Against The magistrats of Lanerk.
2 August 1694
Act: Act Sir James Ramsay
Act: Act The Toune of Aberdeen and the Lairds of Munimusk Against Resetters of Whyt fishers.
Act: Act The Kirk Session of Crammond
Decreet: Decreet Dunbarr Against Mcdonald of Castltoune.
Procedure: [Committee report on insufficient men]
2 August 1694 (pm)
Act: Act The Elders and session of Ferry-Patroncraig
Act: Act In Favors of Mr Rule and Mr John Logan anent the poors box etc of Killmadock.
Order: Sist executione Cuthbertsone contra Ewing Campbell surveyer at Prestonpans
Act: Act The Salmond fishers of the River of Don.
7 August 1694
Procedure: Remitt Menzies contra Leslie.
Act: Act Mr David Ogilvie for the stipend of Aberbrothick.
Act: Act James Dunbar against Donald Mcdonald
4 September 1694
Order: Farder dilligence The Lord advocat contra The provest of Stirling and others
6 September 1694
Procedure: Excuse for some Councellors.
Order: Recomendatione to the Thesaurie Lillias Simpsone
Act: Act The parishioners of Aughterless.
6 September 1694 (pm)
Act: Act The Presbytrie of Pearth
Act: Act Secker and Shaw and others
Act: Act The Members of the Manufactorie at New Mylnes
Act: Act James Scot
Act: Act Androw Browne
9 October 1694
Act: Act The Toune of Air
Decreet: Interloquitor Major John Mcdonald
Act: Act Collonell Hill and his officers anent the polemoney
Petition: [Petition inhabitants of Linktoune of Abbotshall]
Petition: [Petition Viscount of Arbuthnot]
11 October 1694
Act: Act Robert Douglass
Act: Act The Viscountes of Arbuthnot
Decreet: Certificatione Ker contra Hoods
Act: Act The Creditors of Hunters of Muirhouse
Act: Act Meinzies of Raw
Order: Order anent the Records and Warrands of the Justice Court.
30 October 1694
Warrant: Warrand for Transporting John Gulespie
6 November 1694
Procedure: Remitt James Buchanan
Act: Act The Moderator of the presbytrie of Stirling and Dumblaine contra Mrs James Winziett
Order: Recomendation to the thesaurie Morisone of Prestongrange
8 November 1694
Act: Act Two heritors of Coldinghame and Mr Robert Smith
10 November 1694
Warrant: Warrand to the Clerks of sessione to deliver in the Countrey accompts to the Clerks of Councill
13 November 1694
Act: Act Mr William Moncreif minister at Methven
Procedure: Remitt Corbie contra Lidderdale and Gordon
Act: Act Authorizing Collonell Mckay to raise 13 men
Act: Act Archibald Johnstone
Act: Act William Fairly glover.
20 November 1694
Act: Act Hendersone of Auchtifardell
Act: Act The Tutors of the Viscount of Arbuthnot.
Act: Act William Fairly
Act: Act Cochran of Killmaronock.
Decreet: Decreet Gordon messenger Against Lumsdean
27 November 1694
Act: Act and Remit The Lady Tyrie contra Gordon of Techmurie
29 November 1694
Act: Act anent the shyre of Edinburghs accompts
Petition: Anent Hary Fletchers petition.
Order: Recomendation The Lady Herbertshyre to the thesaurie
Order: Recomendation to the Thesaurie Livt Coll Winrahame
4 December 1694
Procedure: Remitt M'Culloch contra Gordon of Barricharow
Order: Jean Durhame contra Fobister her husband
6 December 1694
Act: Act James Irvine
Act: Act Keigoe and Marshall
11 December 1694
Decreet: Decreet lady Dundonald contra William Cochran
13 December 1694
Act: Act Hamilton of Kinkell
Act: Act Maxwell of Tinwale
Act: Act The Relict and Childrein of Sir James Grant
Act: Act Upon the Toune of Newburghs petition
Act: Act Mr John Dempster
18 December 1694
Procedure: Letter to be drawen In favers of Ballhousie
Decreet: Interloquitor Gardens of Ballimoir elder and younger.
20 December 1694
Act: Act William Russell
Act: Act The Earl of Brodalbine
Act: Act Robert Wilsone merchant in Ranfrew
Act: Act The Presbytrie of Haddingtoune
Procedure: Quorum for reviseing of accompts.
Act: Act Androw Wood of Balbegno
Act: Act Agnes Davidsone spouse to Mr James Shaw.
Warrant: Warrand for the Clerks to receive The Lady Hallmayns and others Cautioners for each other in a suspension of Laborrowes
25 December 1694
Warrant: Warrand for Collecting the Contrabution for building bridge at Kinross.
Act: Act The toune of Jedburghs accompts
Act: Act Mr David Ferguson contra Halgreen
Warrant: Warrand to the magistrats of Dunbar for detaineing a murderers father prisoner.
Procedure: Remitt William Primross.
27 December 1694
Act: Act Sir William Sharp anent accompts.
Act: Act Androw Plumber of Midlestead anent accompts.
Act: Act Anent the Toune of Killmarnocks accompts.
Act: Act the toune of Montross for additionall accompts.
Act: Act Jannet Howisone and Alexander Fowller anent accompts.
Act: Act The Tennants of Linktoune of Abottshall