Act, 10 April 1696, Edinburgh

Procedure: petition, 31 December 1696, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tenth Day of Aprile Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs Antemeridiem



Act William Reid and inhabitants of Ely

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be William Reid present baillie of Elie and of James and Robert Nairnes Skippers ther in ther own name and in name of the whole inhabitants of the said toun Shewing That the rwinows conditione of the harboure of the Elie is wittnessed by a testificat under the hands of severall skippers of the burghs of Pittinweem Anstruther Easter and Earles Ferrie produced with the said petitione And the same will be abundantly testified by many of the merchands of Edinburgh if any doubt remaine with the saids Lords anent the veritie of the representatione It is very well to the saids Lords and to the most part of the kingdome That the harbour of The Elie is the greatest refwge and was the Securest in Stormes when Shipps are putt from ther Anchors in Leithroad and other places of the Forth And had no other places to goe But that harbour and if Speedie course be not taken to repaire the Same The trade and Shipping of the Kingdome will be exceedingly prejudged And the petitioners are nowayes in a conditione by ther own propper meanes to repaire the Same So that the harboure must wtterly perish wnles the saids Lords affoord ther wonted assistance by granting a contributione through all the kingdome Seing the Shipps and trade of the whole Kingdome have benefite by it and a necessitie of it the merchands in the westerne townes and Shyres haveing ther trade at Barrowstownes Qweensferry and other places of the Forth It is notoure that thrie hundered of his majesties Souldiers had bein Lost within these four weeks had it not bein the conveniencie and safetie of that harboure And therfor humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell with the testificat mentioned in the said petitione and produced therwith And the estimatione of the reparatione of the harbour of the Elie They Doe heirby allou a voluntar contributione to be made at all the paroch churches within this kingdome for reparatione of the said harboure of The Elie and that upon Such Dayes as the petitioners Shall think fitt And nominats and appoints the said William Reid and Thomas Cook Skipper in the Elie to be collector for uplifting ingathering and collecting of the said contributione In respect they have given bond and found Sufficient acted in the books of privie Counsell That they shall imploy the contributiones to be collected be them as said is upon the reparatione of the said harboure And that they Shall make payment of the Superplus if any Shall be to Such persones as The saids Lords of privie Counsell Shall appoint And appointes the ministers of the severall paroches to cause intimat thir presents at ther paroch churches upon the Lords day efter the foirnoons Sermon imediatly preceeding the Day upon which the Said collectione is to be made And allowes thir presents to be printed

Att Edinburgh the Tenth Day of Aprile Jaj vic nyntie Six yeirs Antemeridiem



Act William Reid and inhabitants of Ely

Anent the petitione given in to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell be William Reid present baillie of Elie and of James and Robert Nairnes Skippers ther in ther own name and in name of the whole inhabitants of the said toun Shewing That the rwinows conditione of the harboure of the Elie is wittnessed by a testificat under the hands of severall skippers of the burghs of Pittinweem Anstruther Easter and Earles Ferrie produced with the said petitione And the same will be abundantly testified by many of the merchands of Edinburgh if any doubt remaine with the saids Lords anent the veritie of the representatione It is very well to the saids Lords and to the most part of the kingdome That the harbour of The Elie is the greatest refwge and was the Securest in Stormes when Shipps are putt from ther Anchors in Leithroad and other places of the Forth And had no other places to goe But that harbour and if Speedie course be not taken to repaire the Same The trade and Shipping of the Kingdome will be exceedingly prejudged And the petitioners are nowayes in a conditione by ther own propper meanes to repaire the Same So that the harboure must wtterly perish wnles the saids Lords affoord ther wonted assistance by granting a contributione through all the kingdome Seing the Shipps and trade of the whole Kingdome have benefite by it and a necessitie of it the merchands in the westerne townes and Shyres haveing ther trade at Barrowstownes Qweensferry and other places of the Forth It is notoure that thrie hundered of his majesties Souldiers had bein Lost within these four weeks had it not bein the conveniencie and safetie of that harboure And therfor humbly craveing to the effect eftermentioned As the said petitione bears Which being this day red and considered be the saids Lords of his majesties privie Counsell with the testificat mentioned in the said petitione and produced therwith And the estimatione of the reparatione of the harbour of the Elie They Doe heirby allou a voluntar contributione to be made at all the paroch churches within this kingdome for reparatione of the said harboure of The Elie and that upon Such Dayes as the petitioners Shall think fitt And nominats and appoints the said William Reid and Thomas Cook Skipper in the Elie to be collector for uplifting ingathering and collecting of the said contributione In respect they have given bond and found Sufficient acted in the books of privie Counsell That they shall imploy the contributiones to be collected be them as said is upon the reparatione of the said harboure And that they Shall make payment of the Superplus if any Shall be to Such persones as The saids Lords of privie Counsell Shall appoint And appointes the ministers of the severall paroches to cause intimat thir presents at ther paroch churches upon the Lords day efter the foirnoons Sermon imediatly preceeding the Day upon which the Said collectione is to be made And allowes thir presents to be printed

1. NRS, PC2/26, 165r-166r.

1. NRS, PC2/26, 165r-166r.